I met Jade @
Let's keep this shorter this time. Julia, Deivii and I ended up in the line about 10:30am We were the seventh group there :D. So it was rather easy to get in the first row and god it was amazing..
It was way more intensive than Brixton, Davey was so much closer (though nothing can beat the Berlin Club gig with 150 fans and the band xD)
Unfortunately Davey managed to hurt his ankle when jumping off the drum kit. It looked really bad, I wondered why he was crawling near the drum set, but I figured he told Smith (or someone else) to get him some ice for the leg. There was a short short pause at the end of the song but after that, Davey came smiling and said he really fucking hurt his leg and had to get ice. Yeah.
He talked a lot between the songs, but I've been too excited to actually remember what he said. I remember him asking do we like David Bowie before singing Ziggy Stardust ^___^ I wished they would play Song 2 though, i've liked that song for many many years >_> Hopefully they'll play it in Sweden :3
Oh, I managed to catch some pictures of Smith running to fix things on stage woo~
So after the gig we went to the tour bus and there was a fence to keep the fans away from the band. Adam was signing and posing with the fans moving slowly towards us.
The support bands singer came to us like "yeaaah, I know you want me to sign stuff :D" he was a really great guy. Funny and all. Julia really liked them and wanted him to sign the EP they threw at us after they were finished performing. Actually it was the singer who asked if he could hug Julia xDD aww~
Then Deivii saw Smith on our side of the fence and ran there with our Death Note we wanted to be signed. She asked if he was busy and they talked something about the show, then she asked him to wait a bit so she could get a pen and he was like ok.
I was with the supporst band, waiting for Adam to come, but then I noticed that I had the pen Deivii needed and Deivii had the Death Note xD I ran there with the pen and ended up being way too shy to say a word to him TT_____TT
Smith signed the note and drew a skateboard under the name. Then he looked at Deivii and said that "I remember you" and then Deivii said "Yeah I remember you too" haha, she was in panic.
Smith: "You were... from somewhere far away, right?"
Deivii: "Yeah, from Finland"
Smith: "yeaaaaah.. Finland.."
Deivii: "I heard you guys didn't have time to come to Finland, but you're coming to Sweden anyway so.. so are we" :D
Smith: "yeah, Sweden.. I guess" I guess he had no clue, but damn that smile ^O^ <3<3
Deivii: "So.. um.. could I have another picture"
Smith: "Yeah, of course!"
Then I took the picture of them. They talked about something but then Smith had to go get something for Daveys ankle.
We ran to Julia, support bands singer and Adam who was just leaving T^T, so he didn't sign the note.
We went to rest to the terrace that was near to us. Then we saw Smith coming back. We went to him and took out Vincent (our tour mascot) and asked does Smith remember him. He went like O.O "AAAH!!" and stepped back xD We showed him how Vincents head was almost falling off cos the stitches on the back of his neck had frayed(?).
Then he took Vincent and said "you want me to pose with him, right?" That actually wasn't our plan, but when he shoved Vincent down his shirt we had to take a picture @
__@ It's sad how Vincent gets more lucky with AFI that me -_-;; Vincent's been in their tourbus in London with Smith and Jade if you remember that journal^^ Actually back then we asked what happened there and Smith said that we'll know. Well we never got to know, but this time we asked what really happened between them when we didn't see xD
Smith said that we don't wanna know. Then he lifted Vincents ear and whispered that "I'll kill you if you tell them" and gave him back :3 loveliest moment of my life so far. Then he went to give the stuff to Davey and left us there. We ended up talking with the other fans and the support bands guitarist.
Julia went to sit down to the terrace and noticed there was someone sitting there. She sat down to the same table and looked who could that be. And for her great surprise, it was Adam! Julia was like O.O and pulled off her phone like she would be messaging to someone and sat to the next table. Then Adam got up and said "hiya" as he went back to the bus :'D
Then she came back to us and we talked with the others some more. Julia told us she was explaining some other fans how Hunter just appears and disappears randomly in places. She said that he would just pop out like from there and saw herself actually pointing at Hunter who had just suddenly appeared there. The fans tried to convince Julia - without turning - that it was just Smith. Julia said no, it really is Hunter and they still didn't believe and said no, it's just Smith, Jade's brother. She said no, she knows who Smith is and that's not Smith, that's Hunter. The fans finally turned and without a word to Julia, they ran to Hunter.
We got him to sign the Death Note as well. He seemed really relaxed and was way more peaceful than in London.
I refused to leave as long as Smith was outside of the bus, though it was freezing @.@ Then I saw Jade coming towards us and god was he the only one I hadn't ever met from AFI.. I went completely silent and just stared him signing stuff, I saw him smile a little here and there. And I just stared at the sideburns and the hair~. and other stuff too..
He was actually quite relaxed and didn't seem reserved(?) at all when they took pictures of him (the other band members seem a little nervous). By the way, his eyes really can pierce you @
__@;;; ~~
He signed the note for us and when we wanted the picture he spread his hands calmly so we could all pose with him. Deivii was nearer than me so she got right next to Jade T^T She pulled me as close as she could though xP Then he saw his work was done and left to the bus.
After that we left, we walked a few miles to the wrong direction, took a cab, went to down town, noticed that the railway station opens 4 am. We walked around, it was fucking freezing, we shamelessly crashed a random afterparty, walked to the station and fell asleep and finally went to the train half past 6 am. The cold night was absolutely horrible.
But meeting Jade is something I've been living for. Now I feel so strangely complete...
(All thanks to Shota and Deivii!! This all meant a LOT!)