In 2005, music blog Library of Vinyl Experience compiled sample frequency data obtained from the sample database The Sample FAQ. The goal was to determine what year was “The Funkiest Year Ever” by counting the number of times samples from a particular year were used in hip hop songs. The bulk of the samples used in hip hop were from the years 1970-1975, the most being 872 different songs from 1973, making it “The Funkiest Year Ever”. Some of 1973s most sampled songs include: The Incredible Bongo Band’s “Apache”, which was sampled 45 times, Barry White’s “I’m Gonna Love You Just a Little More, Babe”, which was sampled 33 times, Kool and the Gang’s “Jungle Boogie”, which was sampled 45 times, and The Honey Drippers' “Impeach the President”, which was sampled 115 times.