


- the world keeps burning

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 27.04.2008 19:30

On viiskyt kilsaa, viikset jäiset
talviyös, itsepäiset
kyräilee kypäräs, kulkurin kruunus
myöhäs, kuurankukkina huurus
tääl hiihdetää hiljaa, pienet eel
ku liljat tippuu alas kielekkeelt
välistä vinojen, hampaiden vikojen
läpi kylmien tilojen, tyhjien pihojen
murtsikaa taa pokossan saatteli
kaukan kaipaa parhain prijaatteli
hän paranee vain viemällä litkut
niin niin pitkää nielen iänellä itkut
punaiset haavat maiseman sameen
harmaan narsissin serotoniinivajeen
kapsäkissäni ahdistukseen vastaus
pohjois-euroopan henkinen raskaus
sai väristyksen, käsii käsityksen
latui hävityksen on narskuen nakerrettu
palovammat palentuneiden kärsien
kylpien läpi näiden jäätyneiden järvien
jos aika näkien on kärrynpyörä
os, kaikki vuodenajat yhtenä yönä
nouskoon kristukset kirkkaana lukemaan
horust velkaa, valkoinen tuleva
makaa edessä juhlasali kuurattu
pysähty paikalle katsoja huumattu
suus lappu, suovalla puunattu
niska jäässä, suksemme suunnattu
silmät nääntyny, kääntymäs seural
ku rustaa kahdel sydämmellä reunal
sairaslomien hurmokses hoitunu
koristekukka uraorientoitunu
matkalla auttamaan paikalla vatvon
atomi sano atomille tahdon
nyt aikapommi toukokuus tikittää
lämpöö aukee, laukee, livistää
kaduil mis saa enää pankit tilittää
hermoja silittää, vanhat sivistää
minä virittää murdochin myspace
mut ollaan kuolemas dualismin vaihes
loppuasukas elättää yhtä tääl
sama ku ei elättäis yhtkään tääl
Joka ainoo auringonlapsi yhtä
ilman yhtä ainutta kaksoimerkitystä
ei enää te, me sanotaan me
ollaan poikki ja vaati aikaa se
oranssis suihkus oksennan aakkosii
soi soolo, kanttorin kommunikaattori

yli pienen pastissin näe
yli runoilijanarsissimäen
vuotaa siellä verta väen
itsestään selvä, kertova säe
yli pienten kukkasten näe
ojensi kauas auttavan käen
silmien takana siperia hänen
ain iäti äeti täten

Stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ridePerjantai 18.04.2008 03:01

With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive

And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 16.04.2008 21:05

In 2005, music blog Library of Vinyl Experience compiled sample frequency data obtained from the sample database The Sample FAQ. The goal was to determine what year was “The Funkiest Year Ever” by counting the number of times samples from a particular year were used in hip hop songs. The bulk of the samples used in hip hop were from the years 1970-1975, the most being 872 different songs from 1973, making it “The Funkiest Year Ever”. Some of 1973s most sampled songs include: The Incredible Bongo Band’s “Apache”, which was sampled 45 times, Barry White’s “I’m Gonna Love You Just a Little More, Babe”, which was sampled 33 times, Kool and the Gang’s “Jungle Boogie”, which was sampled 45 times, and The Honey Drippers' “Impeach the President”, which was sampled 115 times.
And I
Just had a dream the other night
I was married to the Queen
And Madonna lived next door
I think she took a shine to me
And the kids were all grown up
But I had to turn her down
'Cos I was still in love with you

They all deserve to die!Lauantai 15.03.2008 05:49

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And it's filled with people who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it
But not for long...
They all deserve to die
Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why...
Because in all of the whole human race
Mrs Lovett, there are two kinds of men and only two
There's the one staying put in his proper place
And the one with his foot in the other one's face
Look at me, Mrs Lovett, look at you
No, we all deserve to die
Even you, Mrs. Lovett, even I
Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief
For the rest of us death will be a relief
We all deserve to die...

3½, ehkä 4Perjantai 14.03.2008 12:20

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it
And it's morals aren't worth what a pig could spit...

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And it's filled with people who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it!
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[x] Minulla on hyvä muisti

Oikeastihan olen jousimies. Markus varmaan hymyilee tällä hetkellä :)

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.01.2008 19:13

Looking out the door I see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners
Parading in a wake of sad relations as their shoes fill up with water
Maybe I'm too young to keep good love from going wrong
But tonight you're on my mind so you never know

I'm broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed it
Where are you tonight, you know how much I need it
Too young to hold on and too old to break free and run

Sometimes a man he gets carried away
When he feels like he should be having his fun
And he's much too blind to see the damage he's done
'Cause sometimes a man must awake to find that really he has no one

So I'll wait for you and I'll burn
Oh will I ever see your sweet return
Oh will I ever learn
Oh lover, you should've come over
'Cause it's not too late

Lonely is the room, the bed is made, the open window lets the rain in
Burning in the corner is the only one who dreams he had you with him
My body turns and yearns for a sleep that will never come

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 23.01.2008 19:11

While shooting Kill Bill, Volume 2, director Quentin Tarantino noticed that certain Chinese crew members were curiously keen on the phrase "niao-pei, niao-pei." Told that it meant "supercool," Tarantino decided to use it in the film.

Some time later, Tarantino learned that, in Mandarin, "niao-pei" is in fact more commonly understood to mean "cow's vagina." He promptly asked a crew member what was so "supercool" about a cow's vagina. The man's reply? "It's so... big!"

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 18.01.2008 22:38

In the dawn an angel was dancing,
surrounded by an aura of light
But in the shadows something was watching
and with patience awaiting the night
"Mournful night, attractive night,
your dark beauty obsesses me"
An angel bewitched by the shadows,
seduced by the whispering lies

Dusk has passed and a cold morning breeze
is sweeping all over the plain
On the ground lies an angel with skin so pale
On her face an image of pain
Snow is now falling to the frozen ground
The angel is covered by white
Frost is spreading across the plain
to welcome the eternal night

The dress is white with crystals of ice
and frozen roses so red
Roses of blood from an innocent soul
On the plain lies an angel dead

A spell was cast an the sky turned red
The angel's heart froze to ice
In the gloomy sky black clouds were gathering
The silence was broken by cries
A spell was cast an the sky turned red
The angel's heart froze to ice
In the gloomy sky - The silence where dead angels lie

The blackness that falls is coming to stay
Under the snow lies angels so cold
Yet with each crystal of frost that is falling
Another story is told