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Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being so fucking amazing sanoo (0:28):

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:32):
*Hello there!

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being so monumentally amazing sanoo (0:33):
*Couldn't help but to notice You there
*Your amazingness somehow just reaches through my spine!

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:33):
*Yeah I know

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being so monumentally amazing sanoo (0:33):
*At last I feel lonely no more!

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:34):
*It's like these tiny bits of psychic metal travel through my spine into my brains and collapses this universe, creating a tangent cosmos!

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being so monumentally amazing sanoo (0:35):
That is truly amazing

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:36):
*Isn't it marvelous to become aware of the fact that life is amazing?

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:37):
*It truly is. We are a generation of amazingness. We are here to analyze, to amuse and to amaze!

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:38):
*We're here to amaze the universe up!

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:40):
*Agreed! =)

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:41):
*It's like crashing each other and letting every single thing to rape our consciousness and letting it become collective.

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:42):
*In addition, it's like letting our existence rape every single particle in the universe!
*Actually, it's more like making love

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:44):
*They don't cancel each other out in this joke called life.

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:45):
*I beg to differ. It's not rape when you feel good about it.

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:46):
*And I think we can safely assume both sides feel good about it. :)

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:46):
*You're confusing physical and mental rape.

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:46):
*Am I?

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:46):
*Kind of.

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:47):
*But don't worry -- my amazingness keeps amazing me, too.

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:48):
*The only difference between them is the form. The word rape signals negativity in both definitions. Correct me if I'm wrong, though. :p
*Perhaps we just define the word differently

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:49):
*Yeah. We are being so amazing that even our amazingnesses try to compete, but there is no way.

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:50):
*Ha ha ha, true!

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:51):
*It is slightly amusing - we don't even have to try to maintain amazingness. Amazingness maintains us!

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:52):
*It's like we're the incarnation of amazingness.

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:53):
*The only issue that exists is the will to try and control it. It's like to limit your loved ones and then talk about freedom being a great thing

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:53):
*Wise words.

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:54):
*Indeed. Have an amazing day and do some amazing things!

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:54):
*I sure will! (:

Ridiculously amazed by the fact of being monumentally amazing sanoo (0:55):
*'til our amazingnesses meet again! Sayonara.


erno sanoo (0:41):
*goddamnit what is it with you amazing people tonight?

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:41):
*We can't help it!

erno sanoo (0:42):
*well call the amazingbulance!

The Amazingness! sanoo (0:42):
*: DDD
*That we'll do!

Google Translate <3Sunnuntai 12.04.2009 21:29

• "He made the stars also." "Hän antoi tähteä myös."

God spends a day making light (before making the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard day's work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of stars. 1:16


Jumala viettää päivä tehdä valossa (ennen tähtiä) ja erottavat valon pimeydessä, sitten lopussa kova työpäivä, ja lähes joka myöhään, hän tekee ohjuspuolustusjärjestelmän kautta monia miljardeja tähtiä. 1:16

<3Torstai 09.04.2009 15:06

"Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you. "

- Wayne Dyer

In your face, prohibitionists!Torstai 09.04.2009 12:29

Ei tullut yllätyksenä. Koskakohan me täällä Suomessa ymmärrämme haitat minimoivan, liberaalin päihdepolitiikan hyödyt?

TaukoTorstai 09.04.2009 02:25

Vedin pelkojani turpaan oikein kunnolla.
He ymmärtävät minua kummallisen vähän ollakseen mieleni tuotosta.

He kaikki nousivat hitaasti rautaa ja elämää pulppuavasta maasta,
yskivät tummaa vertansa ja sanoivat väkevästi:

"Me emme uskalla tai edes halua hyökätä sinun kimppuusi pimeässä.
Mutta muista, että ihmiset eivät ole saaneet positiivista elämänasennettasi
ja juuri siksi he ovatkin erittäin vittuuntuneita."

SpotifySunnuntai 05.04.2009 16:49
