


Zina Wildrose - Inspiring

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-Tiistai 24.02.2015 19:18

"If you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
If you're a singer, everything looks like a song.
I remember once my mother telling me,
when I said I wanted to be like Janis Joplin:
'If you manifest the light, you will become a dartboard for others' fears,
doubts, and insecurities. And if you can handle that, Steven,
my little skeezix, you may have your Blue Army'
So all of YOU who have ruffled my feathers and done me wrong
for being an inquisitive child or an oversensitive pain-in-the-neck artist,
remember, just as they said about Mongo in the movie Blazing Saddles,
'If you shoot Steven, you'll just make him angry.'
Father of four children (loves of my life), a songwriter,
got a doctorate at Berkeley and another one at
University of Massachusetts, Boston,
a poet, a painter a drug addict, and a peripheral visionary
who learns something new on a daily basis,
from the Malibu Home for the Recently All Right
to having dinner with Sheikh Nion in Abu Dhabi...
And author? You gotta be kidding! RoMANtics. SeMANtics.
Exotic, neurotic, you got it! Does the noise in my head bother you...yet?
Yeah, really? I'd say we're off to a good start."

-Steven Tyler-
Does the Noise in My Head Bother You? – A Rock 'n' Roll Memoir

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