Sometimes I Love Life so much it just makes me cry. I cant help but think how wonderful everything has been/still is, how lucky some people are and never realise it. The sheer amount of joy that one can experience, the hurt, the tears, the laughter that makes your stomach ache and cramp, the friends that make days bright and nights bedful. Life just takes you by suprise everyday. It's so overwhelming at moments that u cant do anything else but gasp for air and feel that one tear role down your cheek for no given reason. The people that lift u to heights so overwhelmingly high that u dont even know youve been lifted because its exactly where you belong. The bonds that break but leave that mark meant for the lessons ahead. It hurts to see some people take life for granted. Sometimes one doesnt even know why and has blue days, but then theres days like these that make you look back and surrender to all those feelings and thoughts youv forgotten ever took place. Mistakes and heartaches are the only way you know youre doing the right thing and going in the right direction. In the end you might not have reached the things you wished but its the road you took that makes you realise you reached exactly what you had to. To stop and witness pure bliss is the time you have witnessed your own miracle. There are so many small things in life that people let pass by. Life is beautiful, wonderful, horrid, unfair, embraced, short, blind and the only thing you can ever really say was there with you till the end. Life is hard, we all know it is, but u only get one shot at it, so take it in and let it fill you to the brim until it spills over because if you dont, ur missing the whole point. Sometimes i Love Life so much i just cant take it. God knows iv had my sad days, but God also knows theres been so much more to it than that. We'v all gone through horrible times, take it, let it all in, cause thats life, but remember to walk past and ahead. Dont dwell in shoulda, coulda, woulda's. Dont regret the things you have done, regret the things you havent done. Life is just too short to let it slip on by, its too much of a gift to throw away. Hug it with all you have and dont let go because itl b gone sooner than you thought. I'm proud to say i Love life with everything it has to offer and everything it has offered because it only comes by once, might as well make it the ride of a lifetime. Dont "try" to live it, live it! give it the best you can ever give! I'm so ecstatic i was blessed with this captivating adventure. Thank you to everyone and everything that had a part in it and/or will have a part in it. You made it priceless :D (Just thought i should say this before it slips my mind again) It's simply impossible to put into words <3.
Love absolutely everything that ever happens in your life.
- Paul Cantalupo, MD
There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein