grad is over, family is gone. went to clean the apartment yesterday. It's quite late and im missing that certain someone ;) (you knw who u are :D). it was so nice having the family here even if it was for a very short time. Im glad they could all make it, it really meant a lot to me. Life is changing slowly, but always for the better i think. gonna start moving to the apartment slowly. so much free time and i dont even knw wht to do with it all, lol. ironic isnt it, always complaining that theres too much to do and now theres too little to do, or too much time to do it in, lol. anywho, just felt like writing something. I even cried in grad because of wht tati said, shes just... shes great, thats all i can say. not to mention talented as fuck! good night dears, hope to see u all soon again :D