my sister is here now, she came last week friday and so did steve (fiancé). my bro is comin later wit maria (wife). my dad even came. we bought the grad outfit and might i say its rather nice :D im so happy the family is gonna be together again, i miss having them around, thats the crappy part about being the youngest. I so love my siblings <3 we always have such a blast, especially me and saara, hihi :D dare i say that a new R-ship is blooming too? hmmm, let us wait and examin and see where things go. I miss mona :'( i havent seen her in ages now, feels as though iv lost one of my sisters (u know i think of u as one!!! and u knw i mean it too!!!). i miss sasha too, shes been gone for so long, poor thing, had to go through SO much :S im amazed shes holding on! its almost time for grad, just a few more days left. its such a scary thought really, i mean at the same time its overwhelmingly nice cause ur free n all but at the same time its really sad. You say goodbye to so many memories and friends and relationships but also open doors to new ones. Lines get cut and new ones form, ah, so is life rite? well tati has been fun to hang out wit, haha "would u pass a nigga a pencil?" ROFL! im kinda disapointed that i didnt get to do the speech with mona, but ill get over it. So far things are just goin so great. I mean school is ending, im graduating, moving to my very own apartment, my family is here, everything is running rather smoothly, friends are great, and plus chances with the new relationship are lookin quite good. Not to mention the travelling and everything else thats gonna happen after grad. Cant wait to get a job though, t'will b fantabulous :D also still have to get a new passport and do that whole army thingy along with figuring out wht i wanna study. Ah, gettin semi tired now :P i think i shall head on off to bed. hih, life really is cool, u learn from mistakes and move on :) oh and did i mention that the weather was great today! well it was, sunny wit a slight breeze, juts the way i like it! not to mention it wasnt humid at all (thank the lord, had enough of that growing up as it is, ahah). good night puppies, i shall see you all when i wake up (or then in my dreams :D both are very accepted xD)