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- Vanhemmat »

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 29.02.2008 23:58

Yleisimpiä itsemurhatapoja ovat munuaisten repiminen ulos vesurilla sekä Uusikselle vittuilu. Yksi toimiva tapa on sytytetyn dynamiittipötkön tunkeminen perseeseen. Itsemurhavälineissä suosiota ovat myös saavuttaneet Bilteman pakokaasuletku ja Etolan sininen pyykkinaru. Itsemurhaan kelpaa myös Laura Voutilaisen koko tuotanto, tosin prosessi on hidas ja tuskallinen

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 29.02.2008 22:05

Raamattu on ainoa pedofiliaa, nekrofiliaa, sadismia, rasismia ja eläimiinsekaantumista samaan aikaan käsittelevä kirja, jota luetaan julkisesti alle 18-vuotiaille. Joissakin maissa tämän 100-luvun Jallun päälle on asetettava käsi ja vannottava, että varmasti kertoo totuuden, kun mustaan pukeutunut kiharahiuksinen setä sitä kysyy. Kansaneläkelaitos varoittaa, että teos voi aiheuttaa vainoharhoja ja noitavainoja...

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 29.02.2008 21:44

Koska olet bändin perustaja, tulee sinun valita se soitin, joka on siistein, ja muut saavat valita soittimensa sinun päättämäsi nokkimisjärjestyksen mukaisesti. Vain yhdellä voi olla tietty soitin. Mieti nyt, jos bändin harjoituksissa tulee tilanne, jossa joku huutaa ”Kitaristi, soita nyt se Aaaargh 7 -sointu”, ja bändistä kuuluu kolme epämääräistä ”Häh?” -äännähdystä yhden sijasta. Mikä soppa!

Soittimet ovat:

Mikanisti; Piano – Jos soitat pianoa, olet parempi kuin muu bändi yhteensä. Piano vaatii kuitenkin ”taitoa”, eikä ole siksi vakavasti otettava vaihtoehto, ellet sitten pidä selibaatista, punaviinistä ja yksinäisyydestä.

^HeMuLi;Rummut – Jei, näitä saa hakata apinan raivolla! Vaikka rumpujen soittamiseen riittääkin, että päässäsi on kaksi isoa pyörää, jotka pyörivät samaan suuntaan, niin se ei tarkoita, että rumpali olisi köyhin. Rummut maksavat, ja pimut haistavat rahan ja kostuvat sen tuoksusta kuin kukkaset aamuisessa kasteessa. Rumpalin on hyvä olla kalju!

Jazzunen;Sähkökitara – Jos valitset tämän soittimen, joudut soittamaan sooloja, mutta saat samalla paljon pimuja (myös tyttöbändin kitaristi). Kitara on mediaseksikäs soitin. Ongelmana on, että basistit saattavat tehdä käytännön piloja kitarakotelollasi ja vokalisti voi kusta siihen.

Mansonisti; Basso – Bändi ei edes mieti sitä kaksimetristä jousisoitinta vaihtoehtona. Bassossa on neljä kieltä. Moni valitsee soittimen, koska joku tyhmä tyttö voi joskus luulla sitä kitaraksi.

lol! Tylsää:P

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 29.02.2008 21:32

...Niin Helvetti pääsee valloilleen, kun hänen saaatanallinen verensä valuu mätänevästä ruumista lyijyarkun läpi pohjavesiin tartuttaen infernaalisen pahuuden kaikkiin, jotka juovat vettä missä tahansa muodossa..

...Yleisin hänen sanomansa asia on haistakaa sitä haisevaa ruskeaa ainetta jota on mun karvaisessa perseessä, vitun kristityt paskiaiset...

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 29.02.2008 21:23

Arkkienkeli Lucifer oli pahalla päällä. Hän ei ollut kiinnostunut luutunsoitosta, palkkoja oli jälleen kerran leikattu ja muutenkin koko homma typpi häntä. Kun hän meni ehdottamaan Jumalalle Taivaallisen Valtakunnan infrastruktuurin uudistamista Jumala suuttui tästä niin, että nyppäisi Luciferin siivet pois. Tästäkös Lucifer vasta vetikin herneen nenäänsä. Puhuttuaan muutaman enkelin kelkkaansa Lucifer päätti aloittaa Uuden Firman omine nokkinensa. Yläkerrassa ei kuitenkaan ollut tilaa, joten Lucifeerus joutui tyytymään alakertaan.

The Fight SongSunnuntai 10.02.2008 02:08

Nothing suffocates you more than
the passing of everyday human events
Isolation is the oxygen mask you make
your children breath into survive

But I'm not a slave to a god
that doesn't exist
But I'm not a slave to world
that doesn't give a shit

And when we were good
you just closed you eyes
So when we are bad
we're going to scar your minds

fight, fight, fight, fight

You'll never grow up to be a big-
They'll just cut our wrists like
cheap coupons and say that death
was on sale today

And when we were good
you just closed you eyes
So when we are bad
we're scar your minds

But I'm not a slave to a god
that doesn't exist
But I'm not a slave to world
that doesn't give a shit

the death of one is a tragedy
the death of one is a tragedy
the death of one is a tragedy
but death of a million is just a statistic


fight, fight, fight, fight

EAT ME, DRINK MESunnuntai 10.02.2008 02:05

In the wasteland
on the way to the Red Queen...
it's no wonder our stage clothes
have dreams to be famous.
The trees in the courtyard
are painted in blood,
so I've heard.
She hangs the headless
upside down to drain.

This is only a game,
this is only a game

I was invited to
a beheading today.
I thought I was a butterfly
next to your flame.
A rush of panic and
the lock has been raped.
This is only a game,
this is only a game...

But then our star rushes in,
feeling like a child and looking
like a woman...
She has been forecast with an
attempt to kill herself,
but the ending didn't test well.

This is only a game

I was invited to
a beheading today.
I thought I was a butterfly
next to your flame.
A rush of panic and
the lock has been raped.
This is only a game,
this is only a game...

This is only a game,
this is only a game.

But then our star rushes in,
feeling like a child and looking
like a woman...
She has been forecast with an
attempt to kill herself,
but the ending didn't test well.

This is only a game,
this is only a game.

So picking my skin
and my scales.
I see my horror
mirrored in the
sundown of your
blank stare.
I see my horror
Mirrored in the
Sundown of your
blank stare.

But then our star rushes in,
feeling like a child and looking
like a woman...
She has been forecast with an
attempt to kill herself,
but the ending didn't test well.

She has been forecast with an
attempt to kill herself,
but the ending didn't test well.

This is only a game,
this is only a game.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 10.02.2008 01:54

Ih^^ Kukakohan?!<3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 10.02.2008 01:50

x = kuuntelen ( edes jonkun verran )

[ ] 12012
[ ] 12 Inches
[ ] 22-Pistepirkko
[ ] 2 Pac
[x] 30 Seconds To Mars
[ ] 36 Crazyfists
[ ] 3 Doors Down
[ ] 3 Inches Of Blood
[ ] +44
[ ] 50 Cent
[ ] 51 Koodia

[ ] A Heartwell Ending
[ ] Aaliyah
[ ] ABBA
[ ] Aborted
[ ] Absoluuttinen Nollapiste
[ ] Accept
[x] AC/DC
[ ] AFI
[ ] After Forever
[ ] Against Me!
[ ] Agnes
[ ] Aiden
[ ] Aikakone
[ ] Ai Otsuka
[ ] Air
[ ] Aivolävistys
[x] Ajattara
[ ] Akcent
[ ] Akon
[ ] Alanis Morrissette
[ ] Alesana
[ ] Alexisonfire
[x] Alice Cooper
[ ] Alice In Chains
[ ] Alice Nine.
[ ] Alicia Keys
[ ] Alien Ant Farm
[ ] Alkaline Trio
[ ] Allister
[ ] All Of Us
[ ] All Saints
[ ] All Shall Perish
[ ] All That Remains
[ ] Amatory
[ ] Amy Diamond
[ ] Amy Winehouse
[ ] Anastacia
[ ] An Café
[ ] Angels And Airwaves
[ ] Animal Alpha
[ ] Anna Abreu
[ ] Anti-Flag
[ ] Antique
[ ] Antti Tuisku
[x] Apulanta
[x] Apocalyptica
[ ] Arch Enemy
[ ] Artic Monkeys
[♥^^] Ari Koivunen
[ ] As I Lay Dying
[ ] Atreyu
[ ] At The Drive-In
[ ] Audioslave
[ ] Avain
[ ] Avenged Sevenfold
[ ] Avril Lavigne
[ ] Ayabie

[ ] Backstreet Boys
[ ] Backyard Babies
[ ] Bad Religion
[ ] Basshunter
[ ] Bay City Rollers
[ ] Bayside
[ ] be your own PET
[ ] Biffy Clyro
[ ] Billy Idol
[ ] Billy Talent
[ ] Bitch Alert
[ ] Black Flag
[ ] Black Label Society
[ ] Blackfield
[x] Black Sabbath
[] Bleak
[ ] Blessthefall
[ ] Blind Melon
[ ] Blink-182
[ ] Blondie
[ ] Bloodhound Gang
[ ] Bloodpit
[ ] Blur
[ ] BoA
[ ] Bomfunk MC's
[ ] Boney M
[x] Bon Jovi
[ ] Bouncing Souls
[ ] Bowling For Soup
[ ] Boys Like Girls
[ ] Boys Night Out
[ ] Bright Eyes
[ ] Bring Me The Horizon
[ ] Britney Spears
[♥] Bullet For My Valentine

[ ] Cannibal Corpse
[ ] Carmen Gray
[ ] Cascada
[ ] Catch 22
[ ] Celine Dion
[ ] Chamillionaire
[ ] Cheek
[ ] Chemical Brothers
[♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥^^<3] Children Of Bodom
[ ] Chimaira
[ ] Chorale
[ ] Christina Aguilera
[ ] CMX
[ ] Coheed And Cambria
[ ] Coldplay
[ ] Converge
[♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥<3] Cradle Of Filth
[ ] Crashdïet
[ ] Cute Is What We Aim For
[ ] Cypress Hill

[ ] Darin
[ ] Dashboard Confessional
[ ] Dead Kennedys
[ ] Death Cab For Cutie
[ ] Deep Insight
[x] Deep Purple
[ ] Deftones
[ ] Depeche Mode
[ ] D'espairsRay
[ ] Diablo
[♥♥♥] Dimmu Borgir
[ ] Dio
[ ] Dir en grey
[ ] Disco
[ ] Disco Ensemble
[♥] Disturbed
[ ] Don Huonot
[ ] Don Johnson Big Band
[ ] Doors
[♥♥] DragonForce
[ ] Dream Theater
[ ] Drop Dead Gorgeous

[ ] Elastinen
[ ] Elvis
[ ] Eminen
[♥] Ensiferum
[ ] Enter Shikari
[ ] Entwine
[ ] E Nomine
[ ] Envy
[ ] Eppu Normaali
[ ] E-rotic
[ ] E-type
[ ] Evanescence
[ ] Eyes Set To Kill
[ ] Ezkimo

[ ] Fall Out Boy
[ ] Fergie
[ ] Fightstar
[ ] Flinch
[x] Foo Fighters
[ ] For My Pain
[ ] From Autumn To Ashes
[ ] From First To Last
[ ] Fugazi
[ ] Funeral For A Friend

[ ] Gackt
[ ] The GazettE
[ ] Gemini Five
[ ] Generation X
[ ] Genesis
[ ] Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly
[ ] Godsmack
[x] Good Charlotte
[ ] Goo Goo Dolls
[ ] Gorillaz
[x] Green Day
[ ] G-Unit
[x] Guns N' Roses
[ ] Gym Class Heroes

[ ] Halla
[ ] Hammer Fall
[ ] Hanna Pakarinen
[x] Hanoi Rocks
[HYIHYIHYI!] Happiness
[ ] Hatebreed
[ ] Hawthorne Heights
[ ] Heijaste
[ ] Hellogoodbye
[X] Helloween
[ ] Hellyeah
[ ] Horrorpops
[ ] Hüsker Dü

[ ] I Killed The Prom Queen
[ ] Indica
[x] In Flames
[ ] Irina
[X] Iron Maiden

[ ] James Blunt
[ ] Jane's Addiction
[ ] Jay-Z
[ ] Jimmy Eat World
[ ] Job For A Cowboy
[ ] Judas Priest
[ ] Järjestyshäiriö

[ ] Kanye West
[ ] Kapasiteettiyksikkö
[ ] Kent
[ ] Kids In Glass Houses
[X] Kilpi
[ ] Killerpilze
[ ] Kill Hannah
[ ] Killswitch Engage
[♥] KISS
[♥] Klamydia
[ ] K-Maro
[x] Korn
[ ] Korpiklaani
[x] Kotiteollisuus
[ ] Kwan

[ ] Lacuna Coil
[x] Lamb Of God
[x] Lapko
[ ] L'Arc~en~Ciel
[ ] Leathermouth
[x] Led Zeppelin
[x] Linkin Park
[ ] Lordi
[ ] Lovex

[ ] Machine Head
[ ] Madina Lake
[ ] Madonna
[ ] Maj Karma
[ ] Malice Mizer
[♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ja ♥ ^^<3] Marilyn Manson
[ ] Maroon 5
[ ] Mastodon
[ ] Matchbook Romance
[x] Megadeth
[x] Metallica
[ ] Mew
[x] Michael Jackson
[Iu!] Mika (Tiia Huom)
[ ] Minor Threat
[x] Misfits
[ ] Miyavi
[ ] Moi Dix Mois
[x] Mokoma
[♥] Motörhead
[ ] Murderdolls
[x] Muse
[ ] My American Heart
[hyii :''(] My Chemical Romance
[x] Mötley Crüe

[ ] Napalm Death
[ ] Negative
[ ] Nekromantix
[ ] Nickelback
[x] Nightwish
[x] Nine Inch Nails
[x] Nirvana
[ ] NOFX
[ ] No Use For A Name

[ ] Oasis
x] Offspring
[ ] Operation Ivy
[ ] Overkill
[x] Ozzy Osbourne

[ ] Paleface
[ ] Panic! At The Disco
[ ] Papa Roach
[ ] Paramore
[ ] P.Diddy
[ ] Pearl Jam
x ] Pelle Miljoona
[ ] Pennywise
[ ] Placebo
[ ] PMMP
[ ] Poets Of The Fall
[ ] Prince
[ ] Private Line
[ ] Public Enemy

[ ] Queen

[ ] Raised Fist
[x] Rammstein
[x] Ramones
[x] Red Hot Chili Peppers
[ ] Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
[ ] Refused
[ ] Renoise
[ ] R.E.M.
[ ] Rihanna
[ ] Ripsipiirakka
[ ] Rise Against
[x] Rolling Stones
[ ] Roxette
[ ] Rubik
[x] Ruoska
[ ] Rytmihäiriö

[ ] Savage Garden
[ ] Say Anything
[ ] Scary Kids Scaring Kids
[x] Scissor Sisters
[ ] Scooter
[x] Scorpions
[ ] Senses Fail
[ ] Sentenced
[ ] Sepultura
[ ] Sex Pistols
[ ] Shakira
[ ] Sick Of It All
[ ] Silverstein
[ ] Simple Plan
[x] Slayer
[x] Slipknot
[ ] Smak
[ ] Smashing Pumpkins
[♥] Sonata Arctica
[ ] Soul Captain Band
[x] Stam1na
[ ] Static-X
[♥♥♥♥] Stratovarius
[♥♥] Sturm Und Drang
[ ] Suburban Tribe
[ ] Suicide Silence
[ ] Suicidal Tendencies
[ ] Sum 41
[ ] Sunrise Avenue
[ ] Sydän, Sydän
[♥] System Of A Down

[ ] Taking Back Sunday
[ ] t.A.T.u.
[ ] Technicolour
[ ] Tehosekoitin
[x] Teräsbetoni
[♥♥] The 69 eyes
[ ] The Academy Is...
[ ] The All-American Rejects
[ ] The Ark
[ ] the Audition
[ ] The Beatles
[ ] The Black Eyed Peas
[ ] The Blackout
[ ] The Bled
[ ] The Cardigans
[ ] The Clash
[ ] The Crash
[ ] The Cure
[ ] the Distillers
[ ] The Exploited
[ ] The Hives
[x] The Killers
[ ] The Knob
[ ] The Kooks
[ ] The Mars Volta
[ ] The Rain
[x] The Rasmus
[ ] The Sounds
[ ] The Strokes
[ ] The Used
[ ] The White Stripes
[ ] The Who
[ ] thin Lizzy
[ ] Three Days Grace
[ ] Thrice
[ ] Thursday
[ ] To/Die/For
[ ] Tokio Hotel
[ ] Trio Niskalaukaus
[ ] Trivium
[x] Turmion Kätilöt
[ ] Tyrävyö

[x] U2
[ ] underOATH
[x] Uniklubi

[ ] Vanilla Ninja
[ ] Vanity Ink
[ ] Velvet Revolver
[x] Viikate
[x] Von Hertzen Brothers

[ ] W.A.S.P.
[ ] Wednesday 13
[ ] Weeping Willows
[ ] Whitesnake

[ ] X Japan

[ ] Yellowcard
[ ] Yö

- Vanhemmat »