The person in my life that had depression was my girlfriend. When I found out that my girlfriend had depression I felt helpless. My girlfriend's illness affected me because all I wanted to do was help to make her feel better but everything that I did wasn't good enough. It just made it worse. I never thought that... it was... as bad as it was.
She'd break down and... everything would go to hell.
She never saw that what she was doing was hurting not just herself, but the people around her. But there was nothing I could do about it.
I was helpless.
I did everything I could.
Jotenkin voisin kuvitella tuon tekstin erään jätkän suusta. Näin kaksi vuotta liian myöhään alan vasta hahmottaa ajatuksia, joita toisen päässä on saattanut liikkua kun minä olin mikä olin. En tiedä pitäisikö minun olla pahoillani niistä ajoista.
I think one of the worst things of my friend's illness is how helpless it makes me feel. I wanna be able to wave a magic wand and say "POOF! You're better" but I cant. The only thing I can do is just sit back and watch her slowly kill herself.