
Ville ♥Tiistai 03.03.2009 21:03

Did you ever wish you could take back something that you did in your past
If it wasn't for me I know what we had was definitely gonna last
I admit that we say some things we don't mean when weÂ’re mad
But I realized that I've been foolish, I never should have turned my back

Cuz itÂ’s a cold world when youÂ’re out there all alone
So many times that I wanted to just pick up the phone
And tell you ooh baby, baby I missed your lovinÂ’ so
I ain't holding back no more, your girl is coming home

Do you think we can pick up where we left before the day
That I told you it was over, packed my things and moved away
Cuz I see that without you my world is just an empty place
Taking one step away from you feels like a million miles away

And I want you to love me, Like I never left
And I want you to hold me, Like I never left
And I want you to touch me, Like I never left

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