I eat when I'm bored.
I fall for boys easily.
I'm vulnerable to believing lies.
I'm hoping that one day I won't need a fake smile.
I live by quotes that explain what I'm going through.
I make up excuses for everything.
I have drama and memories.
I have best friends and enemies. <<
Do not hate because someone broke your heart , or because your parents split out or the kid down the street called you fat , ugly , stupid , worthless .
Cry when you need to , then let go when it's time . Don't hang onto PAINFUL memories , just because you're afraid to forget . Let go of things that are in the past . Live for something . Live for yourself . Fall in love . Fall out of love . Tell people how you really feel . Create . Imagine . Inspire . Make something beautiful , and then destroy it . Follow your dreams . And one day , when you're old , look back with no regrets .