


It's not that you aren't a good person. You're just underqualified.

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[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 23.07.2008 00:08

Imaskaa paskaa kaikki. Kiitos.

Telling me to go
But hands beg me to stay

Your lips say that you love
Your eyes say that you hate

There's truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
What you build you lay to waste

This truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
All I've got's what you didn't take

You promise me the sky
Then toss me like a stone

You wrap me in your arms
And chill me to the bone

There's truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
All I've got's what you didn't take

So I, I won't be the one
Be the one to leave this
In pieces

And you
You will be alone
Alone with all your secrets
And regrets

Don't lie

ps. Uus tukka ja toi tuleva tatska piristää vähän. Mut ihan oikeesti hei.... Plz. =_=

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