
THANK YOU FUCKHEADSSunnuntai 12.10.2008 04:15

one especially. for fucking my night up, beating my friend up.
another one, thanks for stabbing my friend
you, not even to be mentioned for breaking my trust.
happy fucking jolly night everyone.
fucking jolly.

get castrated and learn to act human in a society of today.
pretending to be so civilized, european, openminded.
bullshit at my face, go ahead. throw some more of that shit.
cause i jsut bloody enjoy it. being the little person, who everyone opens up to, being the one to keep everything in.
btw, jenny, I love You. sorry for getting pissed off on the phone. i love you but i had my nerves fucked up. this is not pointed to you. it's general anger. and you know it. you did the right thing <3


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