Tämä sivu käyttää evästeitä palveluiden toimittamisessa, mainosten personoinnissa ja liikenteen analysoinnissa. Käyttämällä sivustoa hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Lisätietoja



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NYCLauantai 08.05.2010 01:39

here i come <3

26.03-06.04.2010Perjantai 26.03.2010 01:55

i'll be in THAILAND iess motherfuckers

edellee iha kikseis maanantaisesta informaatiosta et mut hyväksyttiin Leedsiin.
Eilen oli Bounrmouthin haastattelu (krapulassa) ja ne sano et lähettää tarjouksen viikon sisällä. toisin sanoen, sain suullisen offerin puuttuu vain sitova kirjallinen sopimus.
YESS, UK here I come!!!!<3

Ready to kick some Artsy-Fartsy Ass

huomenna krapula?Maanantai 01.03.2010 02:25

hit helvetti

perplexité animalière vol.1Sunnuntai 21.02.2010 15:24

Ongelma: liikaa työtä
Ratkaisu: nuku/älä tee
Perusteleva esimerkki: Kun linnut kohtaavat tilanteen jossa ovat hämillään tai on useita potentiaalisia käyttäytymisvaihtoehtoja, ne nukahtavat.

Viva les oiseaux

eww pain to be feltPerjantai 12.02.2010 00:45

huomenna pitkä pitkä ilta/yö tiedossa, ja uudet korkkarit jotka ei oo vielä muotoutunu :<
eww sounds like a lot of pain for saturdaymorning, not only because of a hungover.


voi hyvä elämäTorstai 28.01.2010 21:45

Snugglebunny || says:
who are you?
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
Snugglebunny || says:
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
i'm 21/f your a male right?
Snugglebunny || says:
no not quite but i'd be delighted to know how you got my e-mail adress
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?
Snugglebunny || says:
well i would not really know because you just quite frankly randomly added me and i have no clue of who you are nor of where you got my e-mail adress from
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
I know a way we can chat and have a better time.. do you cam?
Snugglebunny || says:
as much as your mother does :)
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
Well i don't do yahoo cam or any other cam because i have been recorded before... But i do know one site you can watch me on cam, that assures me no one records...
Snugglebunny || says:
sounds lovely but i'm not really excited about the thought
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
I mean... Do you want to see me on my cam?
Snugglebunny || says:
Snugglebunny || says:
i just wanna know who the hell you are
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
Ok go to http://urlot.com/d9yqhs accept the invite on the page baby
Snugglebunny || says:
and how the fuck you got my em-ail adress
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
sweet, fill out the info ur info.. i can not wait for you to see me baby let me find something nice to wear
Snugglebunny || 3 says:
i have nothing to do with that website lad
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
its the sites policy to ensure no minors get access to the site, so they might ask for CC to verify your age babe.
Snugglebunny || says:
1st of all i'm not your babe. 2nd of all, you could eventually just shove your fist up your ass after which down your throat. you seem to me like a little needy cunt who has no better chances in life to get in touch with humans than trying to convince them to show themselves on webcam to you. you lead a sad sad life, don't you?
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
What color Panties do you think i should wear? i might have you favorite color here somewhere...
Snugglebunny || says:
chew onto them and choke :)
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
Your such a good boy, i'm gonna show you what good boys deserve.. you can tell me to do anything you want me too!
Snugglebunny || says:
what the.?! i already told you i'm not a guy?
Snugglebunny || says:
analphabetic weirdo
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
Ok let me know when you get in so I can invite you directly to my cam.
Snugglebunny || says:
yes let's say that would be never
Snugglebunny || says:
now, have a lovely sad life and bye bye :)
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
u have to enter a cc, atm, or debit card so they can tell your of age, thats the ony way to see me sweety :(
Snugglebunny || says:
i don't want to see you, so now toodles to you!
keesharell84@hotmail.com says:
k you in yet babe??
Snugglebunny || says:
that's what she said
on se matikka niiiiin kivaa >:)

EEB2 PREBAC EXAMS // JAN10Torstai 21.01.2010 15:22

pe 22.01 : L1 finnish 8.30-12.30

ma 25.01: Mat3 8.30-11.30

ti 26.01: L2 fra 8.30-11.30

ke 27.01: His4 fra 8.30-11.30

to 28.01: Art4 8.30-12.30

pe 29.01: L3 eng 8.30-11.30

The European School Pre-bac exams are worthy of 40% of the final grades of the Baccalaureate and of the Baccalaureate year 2010.

ahh idiootit<3Perjantai 15.01.2010 19:57

onneks kaksilahkeiset todistaa jokapäiväisesti ylimaalliset älynlahjansa ja logiikkansa.

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