
voi hyvä elämäTorstai 28.01.2010 21:45

Snugglebunny || says:
who are you? says:
Snugglebunny || says:
? says:
i'm 21/f your a male right?
Snugglebunny || says:
no not quite but i'd be delighted to know how you got my e-mail adress says:
nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?
Snugglebunny || says:
well i would not really know because you just quite frankly randomly added me and i have no clue of who you are nor of where you got my e-mail adress from says:
I know a way we can chat and have a better time.. do you cam?
Snugglebunny || says:
as much as your mother does :) says:
Well i don't do yahoo cam or any other cam because i have been recorded before... But i do know one site you can watch me on cam, that assures me no one records...
Snugglebunny || says:
sounds lovely but i'm not really excited about the thought says:
I mean... Do you want to see me on my cam?
Snugglebunny || says:
Snugglebunny || says:
i just wanna know who the hell you are says:
Ok go to accept the invite on the page baby
Snugglebunny || says:
and how the fuck you got my em-ail adress says:
sweet, fill out the info ur info.. i can not wait for you to see me baby let me find something nice to wear
Snugglebunny || 3 says:
i have nothing to do with that website lad says:
its the sites policy to ensure no minors get access to the site, so they might ask for CC to verify your age babe.
Snugglebunny || says:
1st of all i'm not your babe. 2nd of all, you could eventually just shove your fist up your ass after which down your throat. you seem to me like a little needy cunt who has no better chances in life to get in touch with humans than trying to convince them to show themselves on webcam to you. you lead a sad sad life, don't you? says:
What color Panties do you think i should wear? i might have you favorite color here somewhere...
Snugglebunny || says:
chew onto them and choke :) says:
Your such a good boy, i'm gonna show you what good boys deserve.. you can tell me to do anything you want me too!
Snugglebunny || says:
what the.?! i already told you i'm not a guy?
Snugglebunny || says:
analphabetic weirdo says:
Ok let me know when you get in so I can invite you directly to my cam.
Snugglebunny || says:
yes let's say that would be never
Snugglebunny || says:
now, have a lovely sad life and bye bye :) says:
u have to enter a cc, atm, or debit card so they can tell your of age, thats the ony way to see me sweety :(
Snugglebunny || says:
i don't want to see you, so now toodles to you! says:
k you in yet babe??
Snugglebunny || says:
that's what she said
on se matikka niiiiin kivaa >:)

EEB2 PREBAC EXAMS // JAN10Torstai 21.01.2010 15:22

pe 22.01 : L1 finnish 8.30-12.30

ma 25.01: Mat3 8.30-11.30

ti 26.01: L2 fra 8.30-11.30

ke 27.01: His4 fra 8.30-11.30

to 28.01: Art4 8.30-12.30

pe 29.01: L3 eng 8.30-11.30

The European School Pre-bac exams are worthy of 40% of the final grades of the Baccalaureate and of the Baccalaureate year 2010.

ahh idiootit<3Perjantai 15.01.2010 19:57

onneks kaksilahkeiset todistaa jokapäiväisesti ylimaalliset älynlahjansa ja logiikkansa.


vitun putkiaivotMaanantai 11.01.2010 22:33

aaaagh mies, miksi olet idiooottiii?????????????????

ei hyvältä näytä huominenSunnuntai 10.01.2010 17:32

hegel, marx, schopenhauer, kierkegaard + 5 moraaliteoriaa

ahdistusMaanantai 04.01.2010 22:47

+ vitutus
= ei hyvä

suomessa jjeeeiiKeskiviikko 23.12.2009 13:38

soitelkaa ryppyruusut

i don't know what you wanna call itSunnuntai 20.12.2009 23:31

but i call it yum damn yes please

so bring it on please

i'm not gonna wait all along

you gotta bring me something too
if possible, very soon sexy

HAHAAPerjantai 18.12.2009 14:59

Eipäs tiennyt Luonto Äiti kuinka paljon sitä rakastetaan tänään Belgiassa ja Brysselissä.

lumen ja jään takia, EEB2, eli Brysselin Eurooppakoulu 2 on suljettu!
ja kuten eräs jos toinenkin on jo maininnut, ensimmäistä kertaa koko kyseisen koulun historiassa!

Kuten asiaan kuuluu, menetämme keskimäärin 10 henkistä ikävuotta kun sataa lunta. Todistusaineistona siitä : kello 13.00 PArc GH : SNOWFIGHT!

tiedossa osaanottajista ovat ainakin Eurooppakoulut Woluvé ja Ixelles.

jumaaaalauta vaivoin pysyn housuissani. tämä, jos jokin on kiva joululahja äiti luonnolta joka normaalisti vain paskoo niskaan!