
lievää heikkoutta ilmassa kiitos kysymästä

deff. back in bxlPerjantai 29.08.2008 01:52

i spend my time trying to forget you
with booze and smoke from
cigarettes and dope
i only seem to forget myself
it's only that is left

OHSunnuntai 24.08.2008 14:44

jalat VITUN KIPEINÄ. jumalauta : << ja site se päänsärky ja lievä oksu fiiliskään ei paranna asiaa. huhhuh. nii ja uus känykkä pitäis ostaa tänää. mut tota nii, onnelassa oli ihan kivaa joo. yötaksit maksaa vitusti meille. semmonen 11.30, normaalihinta olis varmaan sama ku perseenpyyhkintä. härregyyd. meni vähän rahaa.
ja even yo juhlissa oli kiva alotella : ))))))
kiitti tove&miia&nita&eve&a-m&keke

sinne suomen las vegasiin tänään!Keskiviikko 20.08.2008 15:55

i don´t think you realiseKeskiviikko 20.08.2008 02:24

don't think
that you recognise
just how much you mean to me
, että jos ylitätte 2 alkoholiannosta päivittäin yli kolme kertaa viikossa, saatatte olla alkoholismiin suuntautuvia. alkoholismi on suorastaan sairaus. aa-kerhot ovat avoimia kaikille :)

OHTiistai 12.08.2008 05:42

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eve'S GOING TO THE LONDON COLLEGE OF FASHION ON OXFORD STREETq! omfg me be so happy for her!

OHTiistai 12.08.2008 05:42

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eve'S GOING TO THE LONDON COLLEGE OF FASHION ON OXFORD STREETq! omfg me be so happy for her!
pointless bullshit
enough with the hypocrisy, enough with the bullshitting
with being un schmet, with pretending to like people
honestly, the whole human race should be exposed to itself
and then destroyed, let the penguins rule the world
our <<evolution>> has been going backwards for the past 50 years at least

is this called a fucking uncapacity we all have
or can it be fixed with a little level upgrade,
alternatively making the expectations humans have drop drop drop
although in many cases there is no more expectation
it's not worth expecting a n y t h i n g
we know this is bullshit
it's pointless, it's not gonna make a difference
we want the perfect capitalist lifestyle. we want everything
we're greedy, selfish bastards.

and if someone dares to call a race like this
"homo sapiens", wise/knowing human
"the most highly developed individual on earth"
with a so called capability or REASONING,
language [and yet again we don't even understand ourselves]
and emotional suffering
those people who believe it, really make me sick
it's a vicious circle
it's a circular argument that will not lead anywhere
there will be no awakening in our race
there will be nothing, because we are mindlessly obsessed
with pointless things
that we will lose, eventually
we attach ourselves to materials, to others and meaningless things
we find no resolution
we try to identify ourselves by things that are not from the heart, from the soul
from where they should be from.
i've had my awakening. but since when would one person's mind matter
when there are so many others, corrupted, hypocritical, capitalistic ones.
this makes me helpess, lost, pointless ad unmeaningful.


& i won't go getting tired of youTorstai 07.08.2008 13:18

got THE _handjob_ for 45.50€!!!<333