
CAMPBARBOSSA<3Maanantai 08.06.2009 23:01


Anonyymejä kirjeitäSunnuntai 07.06.2009 20:39

1- you're the biggest shit i've EVER met. and you know i think of you this way.
you're manipulative, depressing, crushing, loving, confusing, misleading, hating. you left a bitter taste in my mouth. you play with others feelings, wait 'til they're under you charm then crush them. i don't understand what can make a person become something like you.
you're devastating, distressing, despicable.
what you think of me is just a reflection of my feelings towards you.

2- I'm sorry for treating you like shit. sometimes, it's easier for one. it's easier than assuming your feelings. It's easier in the longrun.
It might've seemed like forever, it might've seemed cold. so it was meant to be from me.
BUt i Did care, but i also knew that by admitting it to you,´there would be nothing left to pull you back.
and you saw, even after the way i treated you, there was barely nothing to pull you back. and when i pulled myself back, you barely had anything.
this might eventually seem like self-centered assumption, but knowing how it works...
sorry for the misunderstandings; but you didn't make it easy either

3- I haven't thought of what happened since a long time, but i can assure you that i'm still angry and disapointed about what happened. lying to my face, convincing me, although you knew that even the truth would have been better. for the both of us.
it's not as if i would have accepted the situation even if you had admitted it to me, but we might've remained friends, still. if only you would have had the guts to look me in the eyes and tell it.
not even afterwards did you tell me, which still hurts me. no matter what i said, what i asked did you admit it.
now, all i can say is that our roads might've separated in a rather cold way, but i have my reasons not to be your friend, i have my reasons not to contact you unless you did so first. and i had and still have more reasons to cut our bonds.

4- we've grown apart badly, but i still love you. it's gonna get better with time. you're not just nothing without her. you're better off with her. she's gone whoosh. cut her out of your mind, because she isn't going to come back.
continue living and keep evoluting. roll a little J and keep on living, loving and being

HEI LILLELOLLESunnuntai 07.06.2009 15:52

mä jätin mun pöllökorun sun yöpöydälle
ja otin sen sun cherry-villapaidan. tajusin ite eilen illalla.
eli ens kerral ku nähään voidaan vaihtaa takas :D


NO HUHHUH Lauantai 06.06.2009 17:58

täytyi sanoa

a lovely afternoon<3 Keskiviikko 03.06.2009 21:41

päivän planLauantai 30.05.2009 16:47

sisältää aspektit:
-filosofia (KANT!)
-géographie -> teemat sidérurgie& transports-échanges mondiaux

-mahdollisesti biologian projekti

vittu ku pääsis tän luokan helpommalla läpi

p.s. haistakaa vittu suomen luokiolaiset/opiskelijat/ylioppilaat, vitun hyvää kesää vaan

still loving itLauantai 23.05.2009 22:23

with PapaBear & NoodlePoodle

i'm loving finlandMaanantai 18.05.2009 01:26

with the whole and total existence
of my little loving heart<3