
voihan perseSunnuntai 23.08.2009 15:44

mikä ihmeen pörröinen olo?Lauantai 22.08.2009 14:54

tänään duunii, tulee helvetin kivaa!
vois nää lääkkeet alkaa vaikuttaa

vikat työajat jee eePerjantai 14.08.2009 17:52

mA 17.8 10-18
ti 18.8 vapaa
ke 19.8 vapaa
to 20.8 16-23
pe 21.8 12-20
la 22.8 14-22
su 23.8 vapaa

mA 24.8 10-18
Ti 25.8 vapaa
ke 26.8 vapaa
to 27.8 16-23
pe 28.8 12-20
la 29.8 10-18
snugglebunny |:
en mä aina voi käyttää kaikkea mun intellektuellista kapasiteettia !

Jenny sanoo:
oot dokannu viimesenkin hippusen siitä kapasiteetista :D

snugglebunny || :

snugglebunny || :
mä en oo dookannu

snugglebunny || :

snugglebunny || :
oho luulin et siit ois pidempi aika, tota neljään päivään :D

snugglebunny || :
vittu.. :D

Jenny sanoo:
:D :D :D

snugglebunny || :
mä oikeesti luulin et siit ois viikkoja :D

snugglebunny || :
tai ainaki viikko :D

snugglebunny || :
letkeä ajantaju!

Jenny sanoo:

Jenny sanoo:
päivän paras! :D

Jenny sanoo:

Jenny sanoo:
Q .
i'm sorry once again. i made you believe in something that wasn't ever going to happen. so i'm sorry. you'll be okay. and yes i'm a bitch. and i'm sorry if it had concequences in your personal life that's not including me. and i can't just fuck around with you and your feelings

i miss you. and i love you.

i wish we got to spend more time together. there aren't that many chances to it around the year, so i'd appreciate if you made an effort, not only me. of course there are logical explanations but still. i'd appreciate if you tried. because the other will end up feeling like a dumb shit if you don't try for shit.
but i still care about you alot. that's why i care. so

commence à manquer quelques gens.: <Tiistai 04.08.2009 15:57

rafla, rymy-eetu, teatteri, COOLEST TAXI DRIVER EVER

thank you for tongiht sara&nadine!!!
i love oyu guys

p.s. we're 24!

p.p.s. no ID's and everything went fine!