The floorboards creak under the steps. Tap, tap, tap, they go. Moon has yet to make way for the garish light of day, it still rules the skies enfolding the world in its gentle light.
The steps echo around the house, tap, tap, tap, they go. Only madness knows their name, their eternal shame. At four o'clock the moon bears the only witness, shadows whisper the name, floorboards creak under the weight, the steps echo... tap, tap, tap they go.
The dust lies on the ground like no one has ever disturbed it's peace, the echo makes the stillness seem heavy. Restlessly the steps continue their path, tap, tap, tap, they go, a choked sound- then silence.
The moon's fading light makes way to sun's first rays. The harsh light of day is blind to moon's madness. The only sound breaking the silence, is the gentle creaking of a rope swinging back and forth.