I know you belong to somebody else
You too know whom I belong to
But still we fall in love, enjoying it without feeling embarrassed
We are more like two criminals that should shun ourselves from the others
The sweetness that I steal from her
Soon it will be time for me to be paid back
However much we love one another, it is still improper.
It is impossible for me to demand anything, am I right?
We should stop here as we already have enough of it
That on-going vicious affair, let's regard it as something fated.
Let's help one another to extinguish the flame that is raging in our hearts. Making us so distressed and restless.
The act of doing less evil. Should be compensated with the feeling of regret.
I've embraced you many times, my heart feel worried.
Whenever you hold me tight, you feel shy about it
Should we go on like this, we'll either perish or fall into the coronary hell.
Which only has the flames of our souls.
We should stop here as we already have enough of it
That on-going vicious affair, let's regard it as something fated.
Let's help one another to extinguish the flame that is raging in our hearts. Making us so distressed and restless.
The act of doing less evil. The person who is doing less evil.
Should be compensated with the feeling of regret.