


kun pää käskee juosta, minä kipitän.... muutaman metrin

MIKI x RYOGA FOREVER!!!<333Lauantai 30.06.2007 00:12

My lips were red
And Ryoga was shineing all over the place
We felt in love when we lost on the trip

We both had head bandanas
and short black hear
We understood each other
And we wanted lost together all over the world

Our rotes to the our future
losting with all sense of direction
Telling each simple words about love
It's scary but it's true

I got married with him
With Ryoga, I marry him
We loved and sun was riseing back covard
We haven't found the rote that we've been looking for
But we understand each other
and we are ready to stand fuckig cruel world

Our rotes to the our future
losting with all sense of direction
Telling each simple words about love
It's scary but it's true true true as the sky
It's scary but it's true true true as the sky

Our daughters name is Rygio
And her eyes are shineing like her dad's
Shes growing now when we lost aroud
Rygio have head bantana, sunshide and short black hair
She ment back there goten, and he is ready to help her to her own rote

Our rotes to the our future
Telling each simple words about love
It's scary but it's true true true as the sky
It's scary but it's true true true as the sky

(c) Gokuran

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