Do you have trouble deleting your text messages?
- No I dont, Although there are some that I wanna save. just in case. they mean a lot <3
How are you right this second?
Does the last person you shared a bed with mean a lot to you?
- krisse means a lot comparing how long I've known her.
Do you like to take walks?
-sure, but not with my highheels after am :D
Will your next kiss be a mistake?
- might be.
When was the last time you cried?
-today, i was feeling confused cuz of a person.
Where is your biological father right now?
-at home sleeping i guess
what do you think of your number 3 on your top friends?
-well hard to tell who is number 3. i know number one n two. i love them all!<3
what is bothering you right now?
-that i should send some forms to school and its not happening cuz im feeling lazy. damn.
have you ever seen somebody get shot?
- no. lucky me.
does your head hurt?
- sometimes, yesterday it did. :D
do you like someone right now?
- sure. but in a crush kinda way, no.
have you ever injected a drug?
-no. not for me.
where is your best friend?
- well. in finland, will it tell enough. and i think they both r sleeping in a bed.
look to your right , what is there?
- a wall
have any piercings or tattoos?
-a tattoo
do you fight with your grandparents often?
-with my grandparents? No! actually, i have fighted with 'em. but long time ago.
have you ever been in a car accident?
-well no one got hurt.
the thing that was bothering you, is it still bothering you?
do you know anyone with cancer?
- not at the moment.
have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them?
-well i havent hated. i just didnt like that someone. but i guess we ended up being friends.
has anyone ever saved your life?
- not that i recall.
do you get good grades?
- if i really try. :D
have you ever been drunk twice in one week?
- NEVER :D okay, maybe couple of times.
do you get mad or discouraged when you're wrong?
- sometimes. its kinda hard for me to accept that i am wrong. but im working on that.
does anyone call you baby?
- some random guys maybe.
last thing you drank?
- diet pepsi.
how was your weekend?
- HAHA, LOL halloween party. dressing up as a fairy. lol. drinking with my friends. it was a good one!
are you happy right now??
- i am. although i could be happier.
where is your phone?
- in my purse.
who did you say 'i love you' to last?
- today to my mom.
do you worry a lot?
- i used to. nowadays not that much.
would you rather have big or small dogs?
there something that reminds you of someone every time you see or hear it?
- i think everyone has those things.
do you trust all of your friends?
- no. i dont trust them all.
are you afraid of falling in love?
- no. im ready. :D HAHA
would you rather get up early or sleep in?
-sleep in
could you go a day without eating?
when was the last time you had your hair cut?
- like five months ago. i really should do something to my hair.
would you rather be mad or sad?
- sad. then im able to control myself better, and sometimes sadness is beautiful.
does it take a lot to make you cry?
- it totally depends who is trying to make me cry. some people can do it with just one word. some people dont even need that.
what's the best feeling in the world?
- having a crush and that the someone special is feeling the same way too.
are you close with your mom?
- she's like my BFF !!
do you tell your parents everything?
- no.
name some fears you have:
- death.
how many kids do you want?
- one is enough. That is one thing I've learned while being in here. :D
final words?
-be yourself. dont live for ur dreams, live ur dreams instead.