


When you go and would you even turn to say "I don't love you like I did yesterday?"

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 27.02.2009 23:42

Little girl
kisses her mom
Tells her I love you
Holds on to her hand

Little girl doesn't have much
She walks with a smile
she's so full of life

But she cries in the night
Just tryin' to hold on
No one can hear
She's all alone

This little girl closes her eyes
all that she wants
is someone to love
Someone to love

Little girl
She's all grown up
Oh she's getting famous
she's a big star

Little girl
Fights with her mom
Can't believe money
Changed who she loved

And she cries in the night
Just tryin' to hold on
But no one can hear
She's all alone

This little girl closes her eyes
all that she wants
is someone to love oh yeah
Someone to love oh yeah

She cries in the night
Just tryin' to hold on
No one can hear
She's all alone

This little girl closes her eyes
all that she wants
is someone to love (someone)
Someone to love (someone)
To love (someone)
To love (someone)

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