

Okay, so you are there, probably sitting somewhere, I'd guess?
I want You to read this note, and then close your eyes, and think about it, all the way through.
Okay, let's start:

There was a boy called Tom. He is 7 years old at the moment.
He is in kindergarden playing with his buddies. Then a pretty young lady comes to the scene.
He starts talking to Tom, interrupting the game he was in. But Tom, he didn't seem to care at all about that, infact, he went after this lil' girl, when she left.
After he came back all of his friends started teasing him:
"Tom's got a girlfriend, I think they are gonna start kissing sooner or later!!"
And, it was true, Tom really was attracted to this girl, called Lisa. But, Tom and Lisa didn't kiss after that.

A few years later, Tom being at the age of 15, has turned into a handsome boy.
He is a very popular guy among the girls of his school, for example.
He is at the moment in his schoolyard, with his friends again. They are doing the same what all teenagers do, you know, a little trashtalking and so on, when again some pretty young lady comes to see Tom. So, again Tom goes after a girl, leaving his friends behind.
So, Tom comes back, and now his friends are asking "whooa, did you squueze her butt or boobs??". All that kind of stuff.
But Tom didn't do any of that.

Okay, we'll skip a few years again. Tom is now 26. He is in the bar with his friends. They are talking all kinds of dirty stuff. Then suddenly, a woman comes in to the bar, a very attractive woman. She comes straight to Tom, and asks him to follow her. Tom's friends watch, as Tom and the woman are walking towards the bathroom. When Tom gets back, his friends star asking: "are you gonna get laid tonight??? Or did you do it in the bathroom?" But no, Tom did'nt get laid, or anything else.

Few years forward agin, Tom is now 52. He is married, and has two children. He is now in a market with his wife, and suddenly a middleaged woman marches in to the shop.
He comes to Tom and says that she wants to speak with him alone.
She takes Tom to a quiet place, where no one can see them, in the backroom.
After Tom gets back to his wife, she is madly in anger: "I can see that your cheeks are red, what have you done???"
But, actually they didn't do anything, the woman was Tom's co-worker.

After a few months, Tom is sitting with a buttle of vodka in his hand under a tree, in the middle of the night.

I hope, this gave you some thoughts about life, and men and women ;)
Thank you, and blessings.

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