


I don't need to be touched by you

Anxious. Tiistai 12.02.2008 02:29

How does it feel to know that, I can stand up on my on own two feets without you?
How does it feel, when you know, he got more than you ever will?
Are you happy, are you sad, are you mad, are you angry?
Tell me please, 'cuz I need to know.
You can say what ever you want, it don't really matter.
'Cause you were the one who didn't want to fight.
And if you regret, I expect that you can speak up.

So spit it out, how does it feel?
Don't ask me how does it feel, I don't know yet,
I'm still learning this strange thing,
that this someone else can still make me smile.

(c) booberry

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