


I don't need to be touched by you
Ain't it funny how one little feeling can change everything?
Oh no, look what I've done.
I've messed up everything,
just 'cause the agony came back once again.

And I don't need your hand to help me
I'll find my way out.
You don't need to fight my way out

I should take control of my mental and my physical life.
Would it be wrong? Would it be right?
I'm losing my mind.

I'm not listening, not anymore.
It's getting schizophrenic.
Yes, no, I don't know, I do want but I don't;
This doesn't make any sense anymore.

I promise, no one will ever know, what goes trough my head right now.
You know you've taken everything I had, and I can't give you anything anymore.
Tonight is just a waste of time, a few nightmares , little distress and waking up
to find all the fucked up feelings again.

So what would you do,
If all of this could come down on you?

(c) booberry

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