


- confuse me / wanna get naughty ?

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

17,99Tiistai 03.06.2008 00:12

DonÂ’t tell me what to think
Cause I donÂ’t care this time
DonÂ’t tell me what you believe
Cause you wonÂ’t be there
To catch me when I fall
But youÂ’ll need me when IÂ’m not here at all
Miss me when IÂ’m gone again

DonÂ’t tell me how life is
Cause I donÂ’t really donÂ’t want to know
DonÂ’t tell me how this game ends
Cause weÂ’ll just see how it goes
Catch me when I fall
Or youÂ’ll need me when IÂ’m not here at all
Miss me when IÂ’m gone again


oot parasta nyt ja aina. <3

ylihuomenna hehahh ! 8)

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