


There you go, messing with my mind.

which teenage stereotype do you fill?Torstai 13.08.2009 14:25

Hipster coffee snob

The Hipster is never far from his bike or his trendy coffee hangout. When you're not smoking a Marlboro Red, or a Turkish Royal while sipping on your Sumatran coffee next to your girlfriend who's decked out in American Apparel gear, you're most likely doing backward circles with your hipster buds. You vaguely hold political views which you learned while texting in government class, but when asked about obama you no doubt think he's "fucking rad." you love to act like you're the next Ansel Adams when taking pictures, and you never seem to be seen without Ipod buds in your ears. Although you will never admit it, you always do what your parents ask of you and you get good grades in school. all you want to do is go get drunk or spend your day drinking coffee in the same seat till nightfall.

hahaa, good joke.

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