
when the weight of the world wills to crush me
and to lower me to my cave of a tomb
under the roots of nevergreens
beautifully withering by the lack of heaven's tears

come, you worms of the earth
bone-hungry dig through my skull

after the waves of wrath deserved
wash away all the so-called sins
carry the petal crown from my hair
to lands undying

seek me, you worms of the seas
hollow me out as already I am hollow
make your nests in my guts
breed there
be ready for the others when they, too, sink

in the eye of every storm
in the calm of morning sunset
the lightning of my dark being
strikes like no match ever could have

outfly me, you worms of the skies
rip apart my feeling of being one
make of me a sieve for blood
for no hearts will get through
there is nothing new under this sun of fire and ice

worms of this life
I won't beg you to carry me to forests under the first starlight
where judgement will be passed over this crime
and any who find their way there

(for it is a journey to be made beyond the veil
and with a far more radiant company
but once there I will arrange for you to be allowed to follow me
and you shall throw off your earthly disguise)

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