
voihan p... takapuoliTiistai 10.04.2007 21:32

New Rock In Opposition Festival
France, April 13-15, 2007

In the spring of 1978, a festival called Rock in Opposition was put together in London. It featured the bands Henry Cow, Samla Mammas Manna, Etron Fou Leloublan, Stormy Six, Univers Zero, Aqsak Maboul, Art Zoyd and Art Bears, and spawned the term RIO, describing a particular style of experimental, avant-garde progressive rock.

Now, nearly 30 years later, a new Rock In Opposition festival is being put together, this time in France. The concert will be held April 13th through 15th in Carmaux, France. It will feature offshoots of several of the seminal bands in that first Rock In Opposition festival with other new bands who carry the same torch into the new millenium. This festival promises to create a new line-up of bands that can properly be called RIO. The confirmed bands so far include Magma, the Peter Blegvad Trio (sort of Henry Cow without Fred Frith), 2 different line-ups of Present (which originally had several members of Univers Zero in it), The Mats/Morgan Band, NeBeLNeST, Faust, Zao, Guapo and Salle Gaveau.

For further information, go to the Rock In Opposition web site:

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