
"nuclear war
talking about
nuclear war
itÂ’s a mother fucker donÂ’t you know
talking about nuclear war
itÂ’s a mother fucker donÂ’t you know
they push that button your ass gotta go
talking about nuclear war
theyÂ’re talking about nuclear war
if they push that button your ass gotta go
theyÂ’re talking about nuclear war
if they push that button your ass gotta go
itÂ’ll blast you so high in the sky
kiss your ass goodbye
you can kiss your ass goodbye
if they push that button itÂ’s gonna blast your ass
so high in the sky
you can kiss your ass goodbye theyÂ’re talking about nuclear war
hydrogen bombs
atomic bombs
neutron bombs
kiss your ass goodbye
if they push that button
itÂ’s a mother fucker
donÂ’t you know
if they push that button your ass gotta go
itÂ’s a mother fucker donÂ’t you know
tell em about it Georgia
if they push that button your ass gotta go
itÂ’s a mother fucker donÂ’t you know
if they push that button your ass gotta go
what ya gonna do without your ass
if they push that button your ass gotta go
what ya gonna do without your ass
what ya gonna do without no ass
without your ass
you got no ass
you lost your ass
theyÂ’re talking about nuclear war
if they push that button
manÂ’s radiation
makes mutations
theyÂ’re talking about nuclear war
talking about nuclear
burnt your ass
if they push that button
itÂ’s gonna blast you so high
up in the sky
you kiss your ass goodbye
goodbye ass
itÂ’s a mother fucker
donÂ’t you know"

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