


don't be a drag, just be a queen

mattil oli epäilemättä kivaaKeskiviikko 11.11.2009 22:03

"After the gig in St Petersburg, there are about 50 women waiting outside the dressing room. One of them comes up to me. She's obviously a psychopath. She has a gift for me - should she go and get it? I'm used to Russian fans giving me roses and teddy bears, but she comes back with a huge, incredibly intricate oil painting, which she says took her five months to complete. It features me, naked and horribly emaciated, with birds on my shoulders. I am holding a glowing heart in front of my genitals... The next day, when we leave for home, I see Dom, our drummer, walking around the airport with the painting, showing it to complete strangers."

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