


don't be a drag, just be a queen

Maanantai 10.05.2010 21:20

No matter your sexuality, religion, color, or age, if we connect over how we're the same, "life would be a party- it'd be ecstacy! "

slap on the wrist goes out to a few of my "fans" who r hating on other artists & their fans. Grow up ladies- negativity is so last season.

Ha. Was inspired by Elvis. @douglascsanchez I think that @adamlambert's profile pic is a big copy of Bill Kaulitz style

I was rockin this hairdo when bill still had his lions mane...all this copycat talk is dumb. Hahaha. I'm gonna incite a fan riot. Such fun.

Been wearing eye makeup and nail polish since that boy was like 12 or something... No ones copying... Just so happen to have similar taste.

Relaaaaaaaaax folks :) spend your energy more wisely.

Im so excited to bring this show to my amazing fans! Break out the Glitter and Glam! Together we are gonna escape to another world!

Fiksu mies. Ja nauroin vähä. Ja aww.
Mut sais kyl tuoda sen shownsa tännekin )=

ahem pitäis olla ruotsia lukemassa. yy.

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