


I know, what feels like lose something... But I know that there is something better coming...

Wake up Angel! (kuvastaa hieman minua)Keskiviikko 29.07.2009 19:04

Even if I'm bad cooking, I can always just buy something sweet for you

Even though my room is messy,
I'll just clean it up someday.

Even if I can't finish up my chores,
it doesn't really bother me

Even if a UFO comes my way, I just won't care.
I won't! I just won't!

No matter how I try to figure out any problem
it seems I just can't understand (I might miss you!)

Though one thing that I know is
that love is precious to me,
And if it's possible I want it all the time.

I wish Hello wake up, angel!
Awake within my heart,
come on out and spread out your wings

I wish Hello I say I, love you
And I always will, I swear.
I wish Hello, Merci, Chao, I love you
Promise me you will always look my way!

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