


I know, what feels like lose something... But I know that there is something better coming...

Who is he kissing?Sunnuntai 09.08.2009 16:20

Who is he kissing? Is it me?...
Or is he makin' love to a fantasy?
Who is he kissing? Wish I knew.
What he's thinkin' of when he looks into my eyes?
Who is he kissing? Wish I knew...
Who is he kissing? Me or you?
Who is he kissing when he looks into my eyes?

Who is he kissing? Me or her?
What he's thinkin' of when he looks into my eyes?
Who is he kissing? Wish I knew.
Who is he kissing? Me or you?
Who is he kissing when he looks into my eyes?

Who is he kissing? Me or her?
Am I being used, tell me who does he prefer...
Me or her?
Does he want some other girl...
... when he looks my way?
Does he want some other girl?
Which role should I play?
Who is he kissing? Wish I knew...
Who is he kissing? Me or you?
Who is he kissing when he looks into my eyes?

Who is he kissing? Wish I knew
Who is he kissing? Me or you?
Who is he kissing when he looks into my eyes?
Who is he kissing?
Who is he kissing?
Who is he kissing?

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