


I know, what feels like lose something... But I know that there is something better coming...

Dark...Maanantai 04.01.2010 03:44

My dark past...
How long that must been when I first feel it?
I can member it...
I hate me very much, like now...
I have curse, but I don't know what...
everytime when I sleep, I could feel it...
It's calling me...
My dark past is hunting me...
I cant escape it.
I hate people... I hate everyone who like to make fun me...
I want to kill myself, but how I can do that?
Why I can't kill myself?
Dark... What is it?
My dark side will be wake soon...
I can't hold it any longer, I want to die...
I hate this feeling...
I dont scare death, I scary life....
Heh... I know something that I can't tell nobody...
Because who could believe girl like me...
Like this face, and her sickness...
I don't want live, I fear life...
Be myself, I have told that everybody that, but I don't believe that...
Like I said... It will wake soon...

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