
----promis wrote:

I know maybe whatever am going to say may sounds diffrent to you but only God know my heart.Before i can say anything i would like to introduce myself to you mom,since you have never heard from my way before.I am JUBILANT,a simple young boy of 16years of age from Africa.I really love you to be my mom and wish you were.I am a child of God and loves you so much mama.i love you very much eventhough i dont know who you are and where you come from.Deep down my heart mama,i wish you were my mom and praying that you will be.
I am so happy to meet you mama,i mean so glad to see you here.I know and believe it all by the Grace of God.I love you so much as God loves me,i love you as God loves His children.I love you mama as God loves this world and will today and forever love you till the end of time.
I am child of God, and loves mommy to be my dear and forever mother.Deep down my heart,i know and believe you are the kind.I believe through the lord God Almighty,and that HE is the one who SENT you to me.I am praying that you do accept me to be your SON.
If really love is in your heart mama then i would like to say THANK YOU.If really you have some feelings in you mama then i would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for your special kind of love,and your willness to accept me as your son.ONCE AGAIN I SAY THANK YOU MOMMY.

--- Julccu wrote:

what the hell is wrong with you?!?!?!?!

----promis wrote:

Nothing i can say is wrong with me.i am 100 percent okay and right.What more in this world can i say then to let you know that i love you to be my mom.Even the lord God Almighty knows that i love you to be my mom, and that only you.I know you are upset because of what i said mama,but i would like you to forgive me and accept me as your son.Only tress that are around river banks that do undertand the language of the fihes in the water,and that i know that you are only and the only one that will do understand me.i love you so much mama,and wish you could accept me as your forever son.I AM PRAYING THAT YOU DO WITH ALL YOUR HEART.With much love i would love to end here and hope to hear from you soon.

----julccu says:

sorry to tell you this but first of all im younger than you, second of all i dont believe in shit like god, im an atheist as my PROFILE SAYS, third of all i dont like niggers and last but not least i honestly think you got some serious mental health issues and im not into adopting retards. i really feel for your real mom for having such a fucked up son. i mean. if she abandoned you i completely understand. for the love of unexistant god please tell me why the hell you're harassing me on hi5 by weird, i repeat WEIRD messages. I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING MAMA OKAY? stop calling me that you bloody cross fertilation of a mongoloid and a monkey.
how can you love someone you dont know? you got that weird disease that causes to some people falling in love with complete strangers because they like the feeling of it? YOU KNOW THEY HAVE MEDS FOR THAT :) those pills the psychiatrists give ^_^ im sure you know about them. then they take you in this car that plays music on the outside and men in white jackets put you in a shirt with LOOOOONG looong sleeves :) and then you get tied up, hung in a tree and shot in the backyard :) or they shove raw bananas up your booty :) or then maybe they should dig you into sand and let you die of dehydration :) how does that sound to you?
and i'm allergic to fish sweety. i dont speak fishlanguage as im a human being unlike you.
you use some damn weird metaphoras, is that due to your lack of medication? i mean honestly. you've been reading the bible way too much. gonna build an arch soon like noah did? no shit. wait. he was white :) roll around in flour and it might work :)
have a nice life and kill yourself :)

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