


"If I could find you now things would get better, we could leave this town and run forever." Saa toki tutustua. : )

Bullet for my valentine - Just Another StarKeskiviikko 12.12.2007 21:57

This is what I can see through my eyes,
This is the colour of your sunrise,
This is what I can see through your eyes,
Jump, jump, jump, jump,
Can you see the light behind these eyes,
Jump, jump, jump, jump,
Eyes, you've betrayed me for the last time.

You betrayed me for the last time,
Through the light I see the truth shine,
This is how I can see through your eyes,
Jump, jump, jump, jump
Can you see the light behind these eyes,
Jump, jump, jump, jump,
Can you see the light behind these,
Eyes, eyes, You've betrayed me for the last time.

You're just another star that's burnt out to quickly,
But I still see you, shining,
I'm just another guy that's fucked up immensely
But you still love me,
Why? I don't know!

This is what I see through my eyes,
Black is the colour of your sunrise,
This is what I can see through my eyes,
This is the colour of your, sunshine.

You're just another star that's burnt out to quickly,
But I still see you, shining,
I'm just another guy that's fucked up immensely
But you still love me,
Why? I don't know!

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