


I don't need to be touched by you
I'm trying to get over you and through to you,
at the same time.
I guess I'm insane.
Is there something wrong with me?
Oh no, there's absolutely nothing,
said nothing wrong with me feeling like this.
I just can't understand any of this.

I love you, come here.
I hate you, go away.
I like you, you're choking me.
I love you, let me breath.
I hate you, just kill me please.

So what's next?
Oh I know what they say,
"She's not sane".
Yes darling, I'm losing it, big time.
But it's only because my heart's saying one thing
and my head is keeps telling me something else.

I love you, come here.
I hate him, go away.
I like him, you're choking me.
I love you, let me breath.
I hate him, just kill me please.

Even I don't understand this,
so how could anyone else?
I need to know what to do.
So c'moon honey, let's party all we can
before we get caught.

(c) booberry

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