


I don't need to be touched by you
I'm trying to get over you and through to you,
at the same time.
I guess I'm insane.
Is there something wrong with me?
Oh no, there's absolutely nothing,
said nothing wrong with me feeling like this.
I just can't understand any of this.

I love you, come here.
I hate you, go away.
I like you, you're choking me.
I love you, let me breath.
I hate you, just kill me please.

So what's next?
Oh I know what they say,
"She's not sane".
Yes darling, I'm losing it, big time.
But it's only because my heart's saying one thing
and my head is keeps telling me something else.

I love you, come here.
I hate him, go away.
I like him, you're choking me.
I love you, let me breath.
I hate him, just kill me please.

Even I don't understand this,
so how could anyone else?
I need to know what to do.
So c'moon honey, let's party all we can
before we get caught.

(c) booberry
Oh please don't be ashamed by our beauty,
there's nothing wrong with us.
I know they say we're not normal when we're together,
but who defines normal ?

I know they say that if we'd loved each other,
we'd do things differently.
But honey, isn't this supposed to be what we want,
and not what they want to see?

I don't know why I did it,
I guess I got tired being alone.
And yes, I was kinda trying to hurt you,
I wanted to make you jealous.
I'd be so happy, if it worked.

'Cause maybe soon, maybe even tomorrow,
I can get that kiss that I've been wanting so long.
Oh I'm guilty, if you want to see me that way.
You can punish me all you want,
but I'm already numb by the pain that you caused me.

(c) booberry
Ain't it funny how one little feeling can change everything?
Oh no, look what I've done.
I've messed up everything,
just 'cause the agony came back once again.

And I don't need your hand to help me
I'll find my way out.
You don't need to fight my way out

I should take control of my mental and my physical life.
Would it be wrong? Would it be right?
I'm losing my mind.

I'm not listening, not anymore.
It's getting schizophrenic.
Yes, no, I don't know, I do want but I don't;
This doesn't make any sense anymore.

I promise, no one will ever know, what goes trough my head right now.
You know you've taken everything I had, and I can't give you anything anymore.
Tonight is just a waste of time, a few nightmares , little distress and waking up
to find all the fucked up feelings again.

So what would you do,
If all of this could come down on you?

(c) booberry
We both know that we're lying.
We're not okay, we're not alright.
We both know that we're dying,
But I'm so sorry.
I never wanted to hurt you,
I never wanted you to go trough that pain alone.
I just can't take it.

Everywhere I go, I see your face.
Anything I do, I wanna do it for you.
I just want you to feel better,
even for a moment.

Just please, let me be the one.
I promise I won't let you down this time.
I know I'm scum,
I know I'm always wrong,
but this time I really want to make this work.

Honey, I don't want to lose you.
You're one of my best friends.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
So please come over here and help me make things right again.

(c) Pejkkis
Everytime I hear your name,
It just makes me sick.
Everytime I see your face,
I remember, all these things that you've done.
Lately, you've been messin' with my head.
Last night you just fucked it all up.
You make me sick.

Another chance,
I was willing to give you,
one more try.
And all I needed was to you to make the first move.
Now I don't know,
'Cuz you confused me.
So can you just tell me,
What do you want?
Why are you playing games and messing with my mind again?
Is it so hard to tell what do you want from me,
Or do you even know what you're feeling?

(c) booberry

Missing you. Maanantai 18.02.2008 17:09

I remember how it felt,
when you were still here.
and I remember how much
it hurt when you left.
It still hurts,
but I'll get trough it, someday.

I need you now, more than ever.

When you were around,
I never realized,
how much I need you around.

Now that I do,
It's too late.
But I hope you know,
I'm sorry that it didn't work out the way you wanted.
And I'm sorry, it wasn't enough but I tried my best.
And I'll always love you.
I miss you so.

(c) booberry

Pure curiosityTiistai 12.02.2008 02:30

What if in the end, there's really only the two sides?
Bad side and a good side?
Heaven and hell?
Where will I be?
I made mistakes, I made lot of things wrong.
But also, I've done lot of things right
and I've been tryin' to make up for what I've done.
I'm curious to know what happens after this life,
but I also wanna know,
what will come in this life.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see,
and pray that our god isn't really deaf and blind.

(c) booberry

Anxious. Tiistai 12.02.2008 02:29

How does it feel to know that, I can stand up on my on own two feets without you?
How does it feel, when you know, he got more than you ever will?
Are you happy, are you sad, are you mad, are you angry?
Tell me please, 'cuz I need to know.
You can say what ever you want, it don't really matter.
'Cause you were the one who didn't want to fight.
And if you regret, I expect that you can speak up.

So spit it out, how does it feel?
Don't ask me how does it feel, I don't know yet,
I'm still learning this strange thing,
that this someone else can still make me smile.

(c) booberry

Sleep while she's screaming.Perjantai 18.01.2008 16:26

C'moon babe, just close your eyes
I'm sorry to tell you,
it won't be safe when you're awake.
I'd love to watch this.

Now you gotta learn,
how it feels to be alone.
Alone in the dark, where your demons use to hide.
You have to fall and let it all go.
You gotta face your fears,
darling please,
don't be ashamed of your tears.
I know you're scared and I do love it.

Don't put the lights on after this,
you don't wanna see their faces.
Don't hide again, just fight back, like everyone else.
Now you can't be saved, and yeah, I know,
You'd love to end this.

Now you're gonna learn,
how it felt to when I was alone.
Alone, in the dark, where my demons use to hide.
I had to fall and climb back to the top.
I had to face my fears,
and I was too ashamed of my tears.
Then I noticed, I wasn't breathing anymore.
And you loved it. Didn't you?

Hey darling, don't you cry.
Won't you take her with you.
It won't be safe, if she's alone here.

Now that you're gone,
I can do whatever I want to.
I'll see you again if you come back,
but I hope you know, she's not here.
Six feet under and we have another happy ending.

You can stop the pain,
by knowing what you want.

So the only way, I'm gonna survive,
I'm gonna keep my eyes open,
keep my lights on and listen to my heart.

(c) booberry

And there is no cure.Sunnuntai 13.01.2008 03:00

What if I asked you to let me go,
so I could finally find something I've been lookin' for so long.
I need to learn so much more now,
there's so much to see.

Don't trust, but don't be mean.
Don't love, but don't deny your feelings.
We want peace, so we start a war.
We want to help the others, but we won't do anything.

Just an ordinary human behavior.
And after all, it's still the same old sick world.
So let me ask something about the pain you're goin' trough,
was it worth it all?
A little romance, with all those dreams,
and in the end all you got is tears.

So now that I know this,
I wanna know more about this sick world.
How can we cure this,
if everyone and everything seems to be so wicked ?

(c) booberry