


I don't need to be touched by you

Is anybody there? Maanantai 25.02.2008 22:36

I'd give anything,
Anything it takes,
to make this feeling go away.
But it's like stuck on my head,
it won't go away.
No matter what I do,
it stays the same.
This tears me up inside,
I can't breathe.
No matter what you do,
you can't make me feel any better.

I hope there's somebody out there,
Someone who hears when I pray,
Who sees how it breaks me down once again.
Even if it takes forever,
to make this all go away,
just let me know you're there.

I wish you could save me from myself.
Don't give up on me,
I need you now,
I need to know there's someone,
who hears when I scream my lungs out.

Is there anyone?
Will you be there when I fall?
Could you take this all away.
Just help me please,
I'm giving up, 'cuz I don't,
I really don't have too many reasons to hold on.

(c) booberry

Pretend all you want. Maanantai 25.02.2008 09:58

I wouldn't wanna waste another day,
don't you see that this is the same old, same old situation.
I'm just gonna keep runnin' away.
You should've walk away , when you met me.
Trust me, there's nothing good here anymore.
If ever was.

You've done a million things to make this right,
but I haven't done anything.
And it doesn't really matter,
In the end, it's the same.

I'm sorry, I'm gone. I can't fix this anymore,
I know you were trying to save me, from me.
But don't you know, that this so called love of mine,
it's just a lie.
But don't you lie to me,
I know that you're sick of feeling like shit,
so I guess it's time to say goodbye.

(c) booberry

Dying to find a reason to hold on. Maanantai 25.02.2008 01:09

I think I've had enough.
What's the point if it's just gonna be like this?
This is full on shit.
No I don't wanna hear anything anymore,
it's not gonna change.
It's not gonna be alright, ever.
I know, I've seen this before, and I've had enough.

I'm climbing on the walls and
screaming my lungs out.
And this isn't worth it.
I use to say, that they're gonna
judge anyway so it doesn't matter,
but this time, they were right all along.

I should listen to them.
I could be the one to fall.
But I'm gonna climb back up, anyway.

(c) booberry

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 24.02.2008 00:36

your possible move could motivate me.

So, would you jump with me? Lauantai 23.02.2008 03:52

I'm not lost, I just don't know where I'm going.
I'm not insane, I just don't know what I'm doing.
It's kinda fun and dreadful ,
but also nice and painful.

So do you want to join me tonight ?
I want to jump without knowing why and where.
I just need to take that risk, even once in my life.

Yes, I got plans, but I don't think about tomorrow.
Because todays not finished yet,
Why waste it by thinking about tomorrow that may never come?
And about yesterday, well, uhm, there gone.
So why look back for regrets ?

So would you want to join me tonight ?
I want to jump without knowing why and where.
I just need to take that risk, even once in my life.

Let's just live it like we should,
day by day, hour by hour,
and enjoy, while it lasts.

So jump with me, join me tonight.
We need to jump without knowing why and where.
We need to take that risk.

(c) booberry
I'm trying to get over you and through to you,
at the same time.
I guess I'm insane.
Is there something wrong with me?
Oh no, there's absolutely nothing,
said nothing wrong with me feeling like this.
I just can't understand any of this.

I love you, come here.
I hate you, go away.
I like you, you're choking me.
I love you, let me breath.
I hate you, just kill me please.

So what's next?
Oh I know what they say,
"She's not sane".
Yes darling, I'm losing it, big time.
But it's only because my heart's saying one thing
and my head is keeps telling me something else.

I love you, come here.
I hate him, go away.
I like him, you're choking me.
I love you, let me breath.
I hate him, just kill me please.

Even I don't understand this,
so how could anyone else?
I need to know what to do.
So c'moon honey, let's party all we can
before we get caught.

(c) booberry
Oh please don't be ashamed by our beauty,
there's nothing wrong with us.
I know they say we're not normal when we're together,
but who defines normal ?

I know they say that if we'd loved each other,
we'd do things differently.
But honey, isn't this supposed to be what we want,
and not what they want to see?

I don't know why I did it,
I guess I got tired being alone.
And yes, I was kinda trying to hurt you,
I wanted to make you jealous.
I'd be so happy, if it worked.

'Cause maybe soon, maybe even tomorrow,
I can get that kiss that I've been wanting so long.
Oh I'm guilty, if you want to see me that way.
You can punish me all you want,
but I'm already numb by the pain that you caused me.

(c) booberry
Ain't it funny how one little feeling can change everything?
Oh no, look what I've done.
I've messed up everything,
just 'cause the agony came back once again.

And I don't need your hand to help me
I'll find my way out.
You don't need to fight my way out

I should take control of my mental and my physical life.
Would it be wrong? Would it be right?
I'm losing my mind.

I'm not listening, not anymore.
It's getting schizophrenic.
Yes, no, I don't know, I do want but I don't;
This doesn't make any sense anymore.

I promise, no one will ever know, what goes trough my head right now.
You know you've taken everything I had, and I can't give you anything anymore.
Tonight is just a waste of time, a few nightmares , little distress and waking up
to find all the fucked up feelings again.

So what would you do,
If all of this could come down on you?

(c) booberry
We both know that we're lying.
We're not okay, we're not alright.
We both know that we're dying,
But I'm so sorry.
I never wanted to hurt you,
I never wanted you to go trough that pain alone.
I just can't take it.

Everywhere I go, I see your face.
Anything I do, I wanna do it for you.
I just want you to feel better,
even for a moment.

Just please, let me be the one.
I promise I won't let you down this time.
I know I'm scum,
I know I'm always wrong,
but this time I really want to make this work.

Honey, I don't want to lose you.
You're one of my best friends.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
So please come over here and help me make things right again.

(c) Pejkkis
Everytime I hear your name,
It just makes me sick.
Everytime I see your face,
I remember, all these things that you've done.
Lately, you've been messin' with my head.
Last night you just fucked it all up.
You make me sick.

Another chance,
I was willing to give you,
one more try.
And all I needed was to you to make the first move.
Now I don't know,
'Cuz you confused me.
So can you just tell me,
What do you want?
Why are you playing games and messing with my mind again?
Is it so hard to tell what do you want from me,
Or do you even know what you're feeling?

(c) booberry