


is just a figment of your imagination

A Song Per Day - 25Tiistai 06.07.2010 00:57

Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh

I'm planning on marrying this song. You're all invited to the ceremony.

A Song Per Day - 24Maanantai 05.07.2010 00:14

Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral

I tried so hard not to make this list to be all about AFI. But c'mon guys, four songs? I think that's relatively few considering how fucking much I love this band. I mean, probably 50% out of all the music I spend my time listening to is made by these guys, so give me some slack, okay?

A Song Per Day - 23Lauantai 03.07.2010 20:30

Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
We could live
For a thousand years
But if I hurt you
I'd make wine from your tears

A Song Per Day - 22Torstai 01.07.2010 21:12

Day 22 - A song that you listen to when you're sad

A Song Per Day - 21Keskiviikko 30.06.2010 22:19

Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you're happy

Robert Smith dancing on the edge of the cliff.

A Song Per Day - 20Keskiviikko 30.06.2010 02:57

Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you're angry

Ohmigod, Brian's voice is so golden in this one. He truly sounds like he really hoped someone special to go through a horrible, painful death while he watched, afterwards lighting the person on fire so he could roast marshmallows.

(Oh wait, maybe that was just me....)

This is a cover, the original is done by Archive. I like both versions, but personally prefer Placebo's 'cause I feel their anger to be more believable.

Bet you sleep like a child with your thumb in your mouth
I could creep up beside, put a gun in your mouth
Makes me sick when I hear all the shit that you say
So much crap coming out, it must take you all day
There's a space kept in hell with your name on the seat
With a spike in the chair just to make it complete
When you look at yourself do you see what I see?
If you do, why the fuck are you looking at me?

I'm not drunk enough for this shitTiistai 29.06.2010 03:48

Understanding Hipsters: An Undercover Operation

Tämä avasi silmäni. Mä olen miettinyt, siis tosissani pohtinut ja tuuminut ja koittanut analysoida ideaa tämän ulkonäön takana jonka ensimmäisenä näin yhdellä Disco Ensemblen jätkistä jonkin lehtiartikkelin yhteydessä. Typerä tukka ja maailman rumin villapaita ja ne viikset, voi luoja, ne viikset jotka jälkeenpäin kummitteli mun painajaisissa. Päättelin sillä olevan jonkin sortin julkisuuden stressin mukanaan tuoma tilapäinen mielenhäiriö, ja yritin unohtaa rumuuden jonka näin värillisenä painettuna.

Sitten näitä alkoi näkymään Porin katukuvassa. Viiksiä. Joka puolella. Naamakarvoitus ja rumat hiukset ilmestyivät kaikille näille, joitten tiedän ennen olleen risafarkkuisia, takkutukkaisia "taiteilijasieluja". Ekan kerran näin tän ilmiön livenä Baarikaapissa, kun istuttiiin kaveriporukalla loosissa ja jonkun tuttuja ilmestyi siihen neljä kappaletta, kaikilla ne vitun viikset. Humalatilassani puhkesin niin hillittömään kuolen-kylkiluut-murtuu-en-saa-henkeä-nauruun, että jouduin poistumaan pöydästä useaksi minuutiksi rauhoittamaan itseäni, enkä senkään jälkeen voinut palata enää takaisin koska aina kun vilkasin sitä nelikkoa aloin uudestaan nauramaan.

Nyt ihan tosissaan - Lopetatte sen toistenne kopioinnin, keksitte jotain omaa ja ajatte ne vitun typerät viiksenne pois, koska onpa niiden taustalla olevinaan mitä tahansa maailmankatsomustanne kuvastavaa ideologiaa, niin ne on silti ihan vitun naurettavat, ja älyttömän idioottimaisen näköiset kun teillä on KAIKILLA samanlaiset.

(Eikö olisi hienoa, jos mäkin joskus lakkaisin valittamasta kaikesta ja kaikista ja antaisin vain olla? Kenties.)

A Song Per Day - 19Perjantai 25.06.2010 19:00

Day 19 - A song from your favorite album

Read about it in here.

FragmentsKeskiviikko 23.06.2010 18:25

Rob: "What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?"
High Fidelity (2000)

When I was younger I dreamed of owning a record store, like Rob did, spending my days surrounded by shelfuls of music and people who knew their shit, people whom I could have animated conversations with about things that mattered.

21st century killed many of my dreams, and in my depression I settle on watching movies that tell about times I didn't have the chance to be a part of.

I lose myself in celluloid pictures of past, bury myself so deep that I don't notice this time scurrying by. There's not much to see in here, so I don't feel too bad about it, but sometimes my view of reality seems so fucked up I wonder what the hell I'm doing with myself.

A Song Per Day - 18Keskiviikko 23.06.2010 14:56

Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio