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The Corridors Of Human WastePerjantai 07.03.2008 10:03

Empty corridors around us are radiating their dark coldness
Making our exhausted souls to groan like the death

The stench of rot from somewhere far
Irresistible intrudes to our nostrils
And our minds once again deviate
To those path of insanity
Where mankind is migrating
Raping everything from around one selves
And won't forget even its own breed
Silently choking it to death

The screams and whispers of gods
Are scorching my broken soul
Fires of purgatory are licking
This corpse like in confession
Visions of past and the future
Like flashes in my exhausted/tired eyes
And it still makes me want
To spread my wings and glide

Can you see how human kind is hiding behind those things?
Of ignorance and religion, thus lynching its own breed
Leisurely spilling off the blood left to linger in pain
Destroying like this this whole world and only because of greed

Into that spring where everyone of our sins are created once
We are arriving in this convoy like the lifeless spirits
To see our own acts consequences from eye to eye
To sentence ourselves from all our crimes

Faces behind these hazy mists are watching our groping steps
In these fucking corridors covered by the human shit

These cold eyes that drops of blood are waiting for a single mistake
To sink their claws into our flesh, that is already discharging
That beast, the image of the god wants to takes its place as god
Spilling destruction around itself like the most lethal plague

Hundreds of thousands agonies are spreading across these fields
The lingering souls of human kind are preying for the mercy of their death gods
Still demanding for the pardoning after all that shit they've done
My tired eyes staring straight to them and I wish that they all will die

Can you see how human kind is hiding behind those things?
Of stupidity and avidity, thus lynching its own breed
Leisurely swallowing the entrails left to linger in pain
Destroying like this this whole world and only because of greed

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