
Psychopathic ThoughtsSunnuntai 05.11.2006 19:47

Oh, how I love the scene as blood splashes to the walls
When the pellets are exploding a skull to pieces
Brains flows silently towards the floor like a jelly
As I disappear like a shadow into the dark rain...

If I could see a shining knife as it cuts off the throat
From someone I hate, I think I would be happy
Bloodstained apartment like a paradise above the earth
Where I will sacrifice all that we must speak not

Thoughts that separates us from the animals
Are like choked feelings inside my head
Feelings that are denied in the pages of bible
Even we all sometimes have those thoughts

In my thoughts rests a picture of violently crushed corpse
That rests grotesquely, mouth distorted to grimace
A scent of decaying flesh minds me a five-star restaurant
Again I disappear thinking of the rare steak...

Thoughts that separates us from the animals
Are like choked feelings inside my head
Feelings that are denied in the pages of bible
Even we all sometimes have those thoughts

If I'll be able to explode all my enemies to pieces
Or get them infected of leprosy or plague
Would I ever get peace of mind to myself?
If I'll be able to make all my disturbed thoughts done
I'd be like a psychopath, wouldn't I?
But they are just my thoughts, no more

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