


I know, what feels like lose something... But I know that there is something better coming...

Catch meMaanantai 27.07.2009 12:33

I want to see you, but I can't... How sad, these feelings...
I can't say it, but I want to.
I just keep letting my chance slip by.

But still (But still) But still (But still)
Together, let's spread our wings and
marathon across the sky; I want our dreams to be in unison

Hey look!
Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me Wait up!
Look this way and say you love me.
Yeah! Nice to Meet You Good to See You Surely!
My thoughts will
fly, fly, fly into your heart!
They - will - not - get - lost!

Sometimes, my batteries just run dry.
But with your smile,
they're always fully charged, ready to explode.

Please (Please) Please (Please)
We're friends first, so
I want to smile, look at you, and have fun every day.

Hey look!
Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me Absolutely!
It's our destiny. It suits us well.
Yeah! Nice to Meet You Good to See You Surely!
I won't give in to anyone. I'll be
No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 1 in the world to you!
I'm - in - love - with - you!

Hey look!
Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me Wait up!
Look this way and say you love me.
Yeah! Nice to Meet You Good to See You Surely!
My thoughts will
fly, fly, fly into your heart!
They - will - not - get - lost!

Hey look!
Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me Absolutely!
It's our destiny. It suits us well.
Yeah! Nice to Meet You Good to See You Surely!
I won't give in to anyone. I'll be
No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 1 in the world to you!
I'm - in - love - with - you!

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