


I know, what feels like lose something... But I know that there is something better coming...

AgainKeskiviikko 23.09.2009 14:28

Even though I must have been pursuing
The continuation of my dream
On a narrow, winding road
I trip over other people

Its not that I want to return to
How it was like back then

Im searching
For the sky that Ive lost

I wish that youll understand me

Stop making that sad face
Like youve been sacrificed

There arent tears at the end of sins
Ive painfully bore them all this time

In the labyrinth of emotions where I cant see the exit
Who am I waiting for?

As if having written it in a white notebook
I want to divulge myself more honestly

What do I want to flee from?

Something known as reality?

So that I can fulfill myself
Im alive

When it seems like Ive forgotten about it
In the middle of the night

Because it cant be done
Safe and sound

Theres no place for me to return to, either

Isnt life still too long
For erasing these thoughts?

I even welcome such a pain
That turns nostalgic

Ive got to apologize
ah, Im sorry

Unable to express it well
You were worried, werent you?

Everything that I held back then
Everything that Ill hold tomorrow

Because I wont
Put them in order

I wish that youll understand me

I quietly closed my eyes
I can even see
The things that I dont want to see

I get a little annoyed at unnecessary rumors
What was the initial remark like?

If we meet twice, arent we friends?
So stop lying

As if my red heart is irritated
Its burning inside of my body

The truth is
Im anticipating

Something known as reality?

So that I can fulfill myself
Im alive

I feel like shouting so
Can you hear me?

Because it cant be done
Safe and sound

Theres no place for me to return to, either

Im always grateful for kindness
So I want to become strong

In order to move on
I welcome friend and foe alike

How can you open
The next door? Are you thinking about it?

I cant pull back anymore
The story is starting

Wake up, wake up

Isnt life still too long
For erasing these thoughts?

I have things left to do
Because I want to try redoing them

Lets go again

So that I can fulfill myself
Im alive

I feel like shouting so
Can you hear me?

Because it cant be done
Safe and sound

Theres no place for me to return to, either

Im always grateful for kindness
So I want to become strong

I even welcome such a pain
That turns nostalgic

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