


I know, what feels like lose something... But I know that there is something better coming...

HologramKeskiviikko 23.09.2009 14:31

Invited by a pure white scenery now,
Ill go to a world that I still havent seen

As a lost child, I journeyed
Under the slate-gray sky.
Many dreams blotted through the map that changes daily.

Even with my strides as I am tiny -
I wonder if I can get to the other side of those clouds.

I pretended to be strong and got hurt
As if looking through my heart
The raindrops that started to fall
Repeatedly bounce off and get scattered everywhere

The straight lightbeams intersects each other,
And without even announcing my destination,
I break through to wherever it may be.
The faint afterimage is burnt into my eyes-
Under this sky,
No matter where I am,
I should be able to reach
The world that I still havent seen.

Unknowingly embedded in a black and white sticker -
What is important is that we had hidden.
Light from the stars from the beautiful flowers from stones of the treasure
dream of the noise and the hologram.

Scenes depicting one day against the odd man out
fly like a bubble through the loneliness and frustration.

The road is straight,
and would be stronger than now.
Now been invited to a pure white scenery,
I'll go to a world that I still haven't seen.

The light color of the rainbow in the sky is where
a distant voice calls me, shivering every time in the shadow of tomorrow.

The straight, scattered light
pours all at a time in the afternoon after the rain.
Now mix the infinite gradations of
this all under the sky.
We will make sure we will arrive in this world

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