


I know, what feels like lose something... But I know that there is something better coming...

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.03.2010 00:57

Everytime we meet, my heart puonds.
Every single day, this excitement grows.
My heart is swaying.
I can't resolve it, and it's despressing me.

A life-sized version of me?

I'll gently watch your face from your side.
Holding up my hand. I gazed beyond the sky.
Meeting with you and placing our hearts together.
Seeking kindness, peace and warmth.

The tears that you spilled make stars I gaze up upon faint and blurry.
These unfamiliar, once-transparent feelings only continue to grow.
Our fingertips are bound together by fate and although I can't really explain it.
Whenever you placde your back againts mine.
I stop becoming afraid.


That day we first met still lies within my chest.
I won't go astray, run away or give up.
No matter where you go, I'll be there with you.
Come on, watch this rhythm that rings from the tips of my toes.

I hate you...

The lonely night comes to an end and I realise just how much time has passed.
These unfamiliar feelings that have sprouted in the garden of my heart only continue to grow.
Holding to this prayer that you've given me together a little wish.
I send them now to the starry night sky and bring warmth to this freezing cold.

Let us dance an elegant waltz.
I won't be defeated, retreat or falter.
I've always been shouting within my heart.
Why is it that I keep longing for you?

I love you...

It makes me laugh when I look back, because I'm jealous and selfish.
The first to fall in love is the one who loses as these unfamiliar feelings continue to grow.
Why, oh why is it that I'll break apart if I tell you how I feel?
You and I are of a different kind and the one who cries last will be me...

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