


I know, what feels like lose something... But I know that there is something better coming...

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.04.2010 02:02

Before love, my deep feelings were moving me.
The blueness of the sky and sea before me became one... and were as noble as a star.
I want to believe in the strength I have now.
Don"t worry, I"m not mistaken.
Facing out towards you, these feelings of mine are true.
Bless this starry night!

Because I love you the most, you become my strongest source of courage.
The silence of the morning you journey away, I think of that promise I made to myself.
Surely you remember, in the memories of the sea
the warmth that we still have between us... and our smiles that sleep within it.
For our dream, I"ll fight and all lives will glimmer
As the sky and the sea gently play a blue tune... making an aria of stars.
As long as I remain myself, nothing will shatter between us.
Even on nights when I can"t see the constellations, I feel closer to you. The time is coming.
It"s just a moment in love.

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